Chapter 54

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Chapter 54.

She was waiting outside of my flat as I got there and then she helped me pack down my stuff.

Keli: You know you can stay with us as long as you want, but we don't really have much room for everything in this room.

Stella: I*m not expecting you to have all my stuff in your new flat, I'm just putting everything in boxes for now.

Keli: And the bed?

Stella: I'll leave the bed, the desk and the big furniture's.

Keli: So you're only bringing clothes?

Stella: Basically.

Keli: Okay, and we can always come back if you need more stuff so.

I nodded and put down some more clothes into a bag. When we were done packing my stuff, I took two bags and Keli took 2 and then we went out of my bedroom. As I put my stuff down in the hallway to take my shoes on, I remembered one thing on the desk and I ran back into my bedroom and took the frame with the picture of me and Niall in it. I looked at it for a second before I opened the frame and took the picture out. I threw the picture in the bin and put the frame back on the desk, then we left the flat.

The first day at Keli's, we spent unpacking her and Liam's stuff. They had just moved in together and Liam had left us alone this morning to catch up. The whole day was spent unpacking and when Liam finally came home, he brought Chinese food and both of us basically jumped him.

The second day, Keli and I woke up at 5 and drove to practice for a performance. It was some English guy who wanted dancers behind him on his concert and since we were booked, we had to do it. We didn't get back home until 11 at night. That's when all 3 of us sat down in the couch and watched a movie.

The next day was just as yesterday. We got to practice, got home, watched a movie and went to sleep. Not much happened and all I heard about Niall was through Harry, who said that he was back in England. I was happy about the fact that he hadn't died from alcohol poisoning but at the same time, I was a bit nervous about how he would react about my room being empty.

The coming 2 days was filled with practice for the concert and then at night, eating dinner infront of the TV with Liam and Keli.

The sixth day, we were free from work. This meant that we spent the whole day shopping; I bought a new pair of shoes and a housewarming gift for Keli and Liam. I was actually told my Liam to keep Keli out of the house for as long as I could that day and when she got tired of shopping around 5, I texted Liam to tell him that we were coming home.

Keli: Who is it you're texting?

Stella: Nobody...

Keli: Is it your new guy? You've found someone already, haven't you? oh is it that hot guy from work?!

Stella: No! It's not a guy! Well it's a guy... but it's not a guy.

Keli: You're weird.

We got back to their flat and as we got inside, the lights were off. All you could see was small candles on the floor, making a path that lead into the kitchen. We put our bags down on the floor then walked into the kitchen. As we got in there, the whole kitchen was lit up by candles and Liam was standing behind the counter with a nice suit on. I took my hand up to my mouth and Keli grabbed my arm in excitement.

Keli: What's this?

Liam: well you know...

He got out from behind the counter and went down on one knee. I took a step away from Keli but she pulled me back. Liam laughed and I shrugged my shoulders.

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