Chapter 6

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We got to the place and I'm speechless... I would even say that it's bigger than my town.

-This place is EVERYTHING!- Isabel added with her eyes wide open.

-This feels unreal..- I kinda whispered. Jackson parked the car and we walked straight to our apartment which was in the de second floor, the number 68. We saw the inside of it and I couldn't say a word at the moment. I didn't even know how to react so I just kept my eyes wide open contemplating how big and beautiful it was...

-Allyson...-Isabel said almost whispering.

-Yea?..- I replied with the same tone.

-Uhm... nothing- she said. I didn't believe that, I know her damn well and I know something was bothering her.

-Isabel, you know you can tell me anything right?-

-Yea.. I-I know it's.. just..-

-I brought your bags ladies!- Jackson interrupted us by opening the door really hard. He was struggling with all the bags, I could even see sweat on his forehead.

-Let me help you!- Isabel said as soon as she saw him and hold some of the bags to put them in our rooms. Something was going on in her mind, I knew it.

-I'll help too- I said

-Actually it's okay. I can do it- Isabel replied.

-Alright. I'll go outside to see the pool-

-Okay, see ya!...-She said with a big smile.

I walked out of the apartment and made my way to the first floor. The lobby was huge and splendid. I have only see places like this in the internet. I saw a couple of blond little kids running to the elevator I don't know why but they reminded me Zack and Cody in the Tiptom Hotel. I kept walking and when I got to see the swimming pools, my amazement probably made other people notice I wasn't from here...

-Good seeing you again- I heard someone with a familiar voice from behind and when I turned my back... it was him!

-Oh...hi Grayson- I said blushing.

-What are you doing here though?- he asked me with a smile.

-I live here..- I said playing with my dress, trying to hide my nervousness.

-No way! Your family must earn millions..- he said and I raised my face looking at him a little confused.

-What do you mean?-

-This place is hella expensive- he replied

-They haven't spent a penny for my staying in here.- I answered- An agent got us in one of these apartments.

-Oh... you must be talking about Jeannette McKenzie, right?- Grayson said

-Do you know her?-

- Yeah, my brother and I make videos on YouTube, our channel is the Dolan Twins by the way..-

So Dolan it's his last name... Is he Irish?

-.. and she watched a few of our videos and she loved them so she decided to make a contract with us about going on tour and got us a place in here, just like you.- he said with a smirk.

-That's awesome. When are you guys going on tour?- I asked but he giggled.

-We did our last performance a couple months ago, we were in Jersey visiting our fath... our family- he corrected himself, I wanted to asked him what did he mean exactly but I wasn't sure how he would react at my question, I clearly noticed that he wasn't smiling anymore, he even looked at the floor a couple times, so I decided to stay quite.

A summer with the Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now