Chapter 21 ; Truth Will Set You Free

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Chapter 21



I repeatedly bashed her face in with my fist as she lunged her legs around kicking, working for a come back. She punched me one good time before I slung her around and she fell to the ground, groaning in pain. I caught my breath as I began to cry.

What am I doing?  Fighting while im pregnant! Adrian will never forgive me when I tell him this. 

"What is wrong with you!" they all screamed. I just shook my head. I guess what I always used to say was true. I have nobody.

"Nothing! Nothing at all… I’m just a woman who’s tired of being hurt," I spat before picking up my shit and storming out towards my car. I was about to get into my car when I felt her touch.

"Baby girl, whats wrong?"

"Ma, not now…" I grumbled.

"Come on, get in the passenger side. We are going to take a ride around and let you cool down…" she said pointing towards me and her. I nodded doing as she said, and getting inside. She starting my car and pulled off slowly.

After a while, we were cruising and the wind blew through my hair since I hadn’t put the top back on the car. She didn’t seem to mind the fact that we weren’t talking and didn’t either. It was peaceful, and mind easing.

"So, why did you do it?" she asked finally breaking the silence.

I sighed, “Shes my best friend, and she lied.”

"Oh, details!" she yelled. I rolled my eyes playfully and exhaled through my nose.

"For as long as I’ve known her, she never told me anything about us being sisters. I mean they did put me in an apartment next to her. I guess, I was tired of being hurt that I wanted to release all of my anger out on her… But I made a big, big mistake doing that for many reasons actually." I explained.

"And that mistake is?"

"Me fighting her…." I paused. "Im pregnant, and even though I’m pretty sure I can’t have a miscarriage right now, what if she had a knife? or anything else… I probably wouldn’t be here and then my boyfri- my babies father would never let me see the end of it ya know." 

"I see you love this young man, don’t you…"

"Yea, I do but it’s just things he’d rather do than stepping up and being a man." I mumbled, as I looked at Los Angeles city lights ahead of me.

"You ready to head back?" She asked, and I nodded and she did a u-turn heading back to Aunt’s place. "There’s many things you don’t know." she said.

"Like what?" I squinted my eyes.

"I’ll tell you when your ready for the truth." she said. "Besides, your already hurt. No need to cause’ stress on your or my grandchild." she smiled.

She pulled in front of the house, and parked the car. We got out and made our way back into the house. I took a couple of deep breaths, and took a seat on the couch.

"Your cheek is swollen and your a bit scratched, so let me go get the alcohol." she exhaled through her mouth. Nodding, I took off my jacket since it was a chilly night and got on my phone, and played Temple Run 2. 

"Here, place this on your cheek…" she said, and I placed the cold face cloth on my face and winced from the swelling. She got cotton swabs and gently glazed them over the scratches, making me wince even more.

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