6. A Little Birdie

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When we got to the guest house, the girl, whose name was Raven, had calmed down a ton when she realized we wouldn't hurt her.

"Raven, did the pack hurt you?" I asked. She nodded. I growled, and my eyes turned black. She flinched.

"Sorry. I'm not growling at you. I'm growling at your old pack." I said.

"Old pack?" She asked confused.

"That is, if you want to join our pack?" I asked hopefully. She nodded eagerly. "Okay. Raven. I will be back. I gotta go kick some Alpha A*s." I told her. I kissed her forehead, after all, she is only like 9, and told her to go to sleep.

I walked into the pack house and towards the Alpha's office, while the midnight pack looked at me like I was crazy. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Someone yelled. I walked in. I saw Mike, sitting on the table, with a dirty suitcase next to him, and I saw John, with a smile on his face as he recognized me, and Jake. I walked over to John and whispered something into his ear.

"John. Don't tell them it's me. They know me as winters." That's what I whispered. I then looked over to Jake and glared daggers at him. He squirmed under my gaze.

"How dare YOU! DO NOT ABUSE PEOPLE FOR PETE'S SAKE!" I screeched at Jake.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"A little birdie told me." I replied.
I then spun on my heel and gave Mike a quick hug. He looked at me, okay he checked me out. Can I say, eww!

"Who are you?" Mike asked, trying to sound seductive. I gagged.

"EWW! You do NOT hit on your younger sister! It's disgusting!" I said and smiled. He realized what I meant and gave am a bear hug and spun me around.

"I've missed you baby sis." He whispered in my hair.

"I missed you too Mikey!" I said in his chest.

Then I remembered Jake was in the room. I walked over to him and slapped him in the face.

"That's for rejecting me." I slapped him harder. "And that's for abusing another pack member. Who by the way is officially in MY pack. You do not just abuse people. I thought you would've learned that!" I yelled.

Apparently, he only focused on one thing I said. So he said this.



{Jake's POV}

"Sara?" I said. I couldn't believe it was her. She looked at me.

"No sh*t Sherlock!" She growled. I looked at her longingly. She growled louder.

"Why are you growling?" I asked. She shushed me and cocked her head.

"Sh*t!" she nearly yelled.

"What?!?!" I asked alarmed.

"Kelsie wanted donuts! And I forgot to buy them!" She said. I laughed. I grabbed her hand, and felt the sparks. I leaned in towards her and breathed in her scent and then looked at her... And her lips. My wolf was close to taking control. I know my eyes were black with lust. She grinned.

"Come on." I whispered, trying to get my wolf into submission. "Let's go make some donuts." I told her. She nodded and pulled me towards the kitchen.


I looked at my mate, all covered in flour. She was beautiful.

"Sara. You are gorgeous!" I said. She laughed.

"I'm covered in flour, in a now white kitchen, and you call me beautiful? Must be delusional." She said to me. So I decided to show her just how beautiful she was. I walked up to her, put my hand on her cheek, then put both hands on her waist, pulled her closer. She looked up at me.

So I kissed her.

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