❤Chapter 3❤

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Authors note:
If you see wrong spelling then fuck it spell it back to the normal one my keyboard keeps autho correcting me welp I got nothin else to say and the picture is not mine :P

Slendy's POV

I sat on my chair and looked outside my window, I heared shouts and screams in the livingroom. I sighed I stood up and called them all to the living room.

"Children I want you to look around the forest for a girl" I showed them a picture of her. When Toby and hoodie arrived.

"Oh hey its the girl that attacked us the other day well... we kinda attacked her but still" Hoodie said sitting on the couch "Child, we are not gonna kill her infact she will be joining us now find her...now"I said in a creepy tone.I partnered all of them up.

They all stood up and went outside, well the there stay because they just got back from a killing spree.

Toby's POV
"Guys have you watched the news?" "Yeah why?" "They said there was a killer running around the place" "PFFFT Dont worry it wouldn't be the girl she might be weak" "Yeah but maybe..!" Since Slender partnered me with Jeff.

We have bee  walking for 2 hours (poor Toby and Jeff) when we heard something, we sneakily creeper what made the noise.

Oh hey look its the girl "We found her" "Shhhhhh quiet down we don't want her to hear us" Jeff said. We watched for a while.

As soon as she was done with what she was doing Jeff and I was planning on what to do.


After training I heard someone or something in the bushes behind me. I lowered my ear, a knife was thrown at my backs, Welp I crouched.

I turned around to see goggles guy and smile bag
The other dude had a carved smile on his face, uhh burned eye brows? Black hair and he's wearing a white hoodie and black pants on.

Goggles guy, was at my back and held my hand like I was arrested or something, I teleported behind him and kicking his back. He then ended up bumping with smile bag.

"Oh c'mon we just want you to follow us, someone needs to talk with you" Smile bag said pushing off Goggles guy, I just sat there and stare at them.

They were whispering about stuff until they stopped goggles guy crouched at me since I was sitting on grass "Come with us, someone needs to speak with you please" "Why should I trust you?" "Uhh... Jeff" "So smile bag's name is Jeff? As in Jeff the killer?" "HEY!" he shouted at me "Jeff calm down, o-okay my n-name is Ticci-" "Ticci Toby?" "Uhh.... y-yes" "Follow us kid" Jeff said while turning to his back leading to somewhere.

We were walking to a path with awkward silence, "Why are you not scared? We are killers" Jeff asked me " Well what a weird question after me killing 580 people I have 560 more to go how bout that?" "Uhh....." again with the silence.

We arrived what looked like a mansion, it was big so I wonder they are not the only ones living here
"Welcome to Slender Mansion lets go in I think everyone gave up on finding you" Toby said walking up the stairs I followed from behind.

I whispered something to myself, "Hey where the fuck this she go" "I'm right here idiot I'm just invisible" "Aah fuck I might bump into you" "then I will avoid you Smile bag" "I have a name!" "Then I call you sm-" "GUYS STOP FIGHTING!".

We walked inside I following from behind, oh well there is alot of people here I can hear them all.
I got rid of my invisibily so I can be seen.

Oh well we went near a door with the symbol of an 0 with a X on it strange but nice logo,we knocked on the door we heared a calm voice "Come in" I walked in not trying to be noticed by the others, Jeff and Toby stood at the door.

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