Explaining pt. 1 (fairytail world)

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Just a quick note that I'm not very good with explanations so I'm trying my hardest to think of an explanation.

Wendy's POV

Right after I said that they were silent for a moment until...." WHAT!?!?!" they yelled and I have to cover my ears for how loud they yelled and to make it worse their actually next to me " you mean to tell us that your from another world!?" Ash said still shocked and I nodded " you see, where I come from we don't have creatures what you called pokemon, in fact, we have other creatures like Vulcans, goblins, and other magical beings such as celestial spirits, exceeds, and even dragons but there's a whole lot of creatures in our world and we never had creatures in your world" I said as they look at me and prof. Oak asked "I have a question though what creature do you use in your world?" And I answered " actually we used magic in my world" " magic?" Ash said and I nodded.

" you see in my world we perform magic as we call ourselves mages but we aren't considered full-fledged mages if we join a certain guild, we have different types of magic to use like water magic, maker magic, Requip, celestial spirit magic, dragon slayer magic, and a whole lot of others but they were too many to name each one and also a guild is where mages join to become an official mage" I said, explaining to them on how magic works and how guilds work "I have a question though what magic do you use and also what guild were you in?" Ash asked as he looks at me in a curious way " I use sky dragon slayer magic and the guild I'm in is fairy tail the strongest guild in Fiore. The people in fairy tail are very nice and we treat each other like family though we may be kind of rough but were actually friendly unless you want to get on the bad side but all in all their friendly" I said explaining to them about my magic and guild.

Apparently, Eevee and Pikachu heard what we're saying and they are both shocked as well.

Eevee's POV

After wendy explained to me and the others were shocked. ' she was from another world but how did she...?' I thought then Pikachu said: " did you know?" He asked and I shook my head saying 'no' " no, I didn't but I wonder how did she travel through her world to this world" I said still thinking then it hit me like a brick ' could it be possible that Palkia is the one who brought her here?' I thought.

I kept thinking until prof. Oak said " hmm... if that's the case then I'm afraid it's gonna take a while to find some way to get you back..." wendy looked down " but... you can stay here until we can find a way to get you back and in exchange you can help me out in the laboratory since Tracey is out doing some errands I might need some help with the pokemon in here too" prof. Oak said and wendy looked up and smiled "I would love to! " she said " but first you need to know how the pokemon world work" ash said as they started explaining how it works here.

And the explanation began but this time it's about the pokemon world...

Hey everyone! Again I am terribly TERRIBLY sorry about the delay I've been working this chapter for months? Weeks? I have no idea but what I do know is that I kept you guys waiting for the next one so I hope you forgive me for this delay and also let me know of what you think about this story. Love it? Hate it? Just let me know so bye and stay awesome! Peace out!😊✌

(P.s. I'm now working on the chapter so don't worry)

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