A Life To Live

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Hey guys and thanks for the endless support.

This chapter is dedicated to all of you with a special thanks to the people who sent me covers for the book: 




The Goal is down below

General Pov: 

"I am not talking to you anymore." Mitchell screamed as he entered the mansion. To say it better, he was stomping through the entrance yelling like a kid. His hands balled in fists and his brows frowned and knotted. His high angry tone owned the attention of every maid and also his mother and Axel.

All necks turned to study the situation in hand. Mitchell seemed angry and Sophia was running behind him asking for forgiveness. It was already nine at night and both were back rapidly from the club. They left two hours ago seeming as friendly and close as ever. So what happened to those to exactly?

"Mitchy please stop it. I didn't mean to." Sophia begged trying to calm her best friend. What happened was not planned and she was just being herself. Her goody two shoes took over and that resulted in an angry Mitchell.

"You sucked at being a fake girlfriend too?" The harsh voice that taunted her echoed making her shiver. She felt hurt again and her heart broke a bit. How can he be this harsh and cold . What is he implying too? That she sucks at being a wife? Well she didn't even get the chance to be one. She was nothing but a mere shadow to him. Axel felt lost but his anger was still bubbling and just like his brother he wanted to blame it all on Sophia. Even though he knew that he was responsible for her reactions. He made her see him in such a light. He didn't care for her enough. But she should have forgave him. Holding grudges does not help at all, right? 

"Don't talk to her like that." Mitchell defended as he continued to go upstairs. Sophia smile brightly at him. Yes, Mitchell might get angry but he will always have her back.

"Don't assume that you are forgiven." Mitchell told her and she huffed in annoyance. He can be such a baby.

"What happened?" Olivia finally spoke ushering Sophia to the living room. She knew that her son adored , or maybe sons by now adore Sophia but only one is usually fighting with her and that's Axel.

"Well..." Sophia started to tell. Even though he wanted to stay and hear every word and explication she is giving, he had other plans. He as Sophia said was texting Liza again and the latter made him smile again? While gem kept on playing with his nerves Liza reminded him of their past adventures making him give a goofy smile. The smile that Sophia saw and put one to two discovering that Liza is still as present in his life as her or even more. He was just testing the waters with Liza. She kept on texting him and at last he gave into her words. Like the last time, talking to Liza was not a form of cheating for him. This time he is even keeping a distance. Yet when gem ordered him to go back to his old girlfriend, his anger made him call her and ask for a meeting, or is it a date? 

"I am going out." Axel said and started walking to the door. A voice inside him didn't want him to announce that he is seeing Liza again. That voice didn't want to see that pained look that Sophia had when he threatened her to go back to his old love again. But is he to blame when he does not love Sophia ?

"Where are you going?" Olivia asked but Sophia had a good guess and that made her hide her now wet eyes. She knew exactly where Axel was going. She was stupid! She is still is because she fell for him. 

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