I think I'm in love with my sisters boyfriend! CH.4

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I regained my composure, and began walking to my 2nd period class; I took out my phone and saw I had 5 seconds to get there. I stopped walking suddenly; having come to the conclusion I was going to skip school. Yup, I said it, Jamie Ren, straight A student was going to skip school. I hear the bell ring and smile evilly.

Then, just as I'm tiptoeing to the front door, I hear footsteps. I quickly hide behind a garbage can and I see Manny walking through the halls, he walks past me then stops. I can't see his face because his backs to me, but I can tell that he's looking down. I watch as he continues walking forward, curious, I follow far behind him, trying to be as quiet as I can.

Then he enters the computer lab, it's a huge room filled with tables, and chairs, there's computers on every table. He sits down at the table in the back of the room, I'm grateful for this because know I can crawl under a table without being seen. He sits at the table and puts his head in his hands.

Then I hear lots of footsteps, I turn around and I see Manny pick his head up quickly. I see a group of big guys walk in the room. There all smiling smugly. I vaguely recognize them, there all on the football team. My sisters gone out with most of the guys entering the room. I turn back around and see Manny stand up, he looks pissed.

"Okay guys, what are you planning to do?" Manny asked one of the guys, he stepped forward to Manny and got right up in his face, he smiled.

"We just wanna have some fun with her Manny. Come on dude, we thought you were like us." He replied.

"I'm nothing like you Jason. Stop whatever you're planning to do right know, you won't touch her. I'm serious." Manny said this with his teeth clenched.

Then Jason got closer to Manny and he scowled, "If you're not going to help us with our plan then back off. Me and my boy's think it's time we teach the girl what high school is really like. The bitch is going to find out what high school is like when you can't crawl under a fucking brick wall. She's ignored everyone in this school, she's rejected all my attempts to go out with her, and no one says no to me." He backed away from Manny and the same evil grin came on his face, the guys behind him chuckled darkly.

Manny's fist were clenched tightly, his face was starting to turn red with anger.

"Okay, if that's how you want to play it. But I'm going to warn you guys, I'll be watching, I'll be there when the first moves are made."

Manny left the room, and purposely bumped shoulders with Jason. Jason looked at the guys and smiled, they eventually left the room.

I was left alone, my heart was pumping fast, I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. Even though I had no real proof, I knew in my heart they were talking about me. I crawled out from under the table and stood there for a couples minutes, trying to get my heart rate to go down. I slowly made my way out of the room. Instead of skipping school like I had planned, I just go back to class.

I quickly walk to my 2nd period class and as I enter, my teacher Mr. Harper looks at me sharply. I sit down at my seat in the back of the classroom and put my head down avoiding Mr. Harpers glare. I hear him clear his throat.

"Nice of you to join us Miss. Ren." Mr. Harper says.

I don't look up I just nod my head, I'm afraid if I look at anyone they'll see the fear in my eyes. I hear Mr. Harper snort and he continues on with the lesson. Then I feel someone looking at me, I hesitantly look over and see Joe looking at me with concern. I quickly look away. It's obvious he knows something's wrong with me.

Afraid and confused I make myself crawl back under my shell. But when I try to clear everyone in the classroom out of my head, I can't. I start panicking as I realize I can no longer force these people out of my head. For some reason my shell has cracked. I feel a single hot tear roll down my cheek and I quickly swipe it away before anyone see's.

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