19. And An Adorable Smile

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Vanessa's POV:
These few months since Shawn has left has been harder than I even imagined.
Every part of me longs to have him back.
By my side.
I miss his touch, his smell, his voice; I miss him.
Suddenly I hear his voice.


I look and see my door open and then...

I wake up.
It was just a dream.
Shawn isn't here. And he won't be.
I know he can't be.
Though I also know that it hurts.
Alex and Is have asked me tons of questions already but when the questions got deeper I cracked.

"I fell in love and now it's gone"

I whispered looking at the floor. Alexis and Isabelle both wrapped their arms around me telling me it was okay.
From then all questions stopped about Shawn.
In fact they didn't even mention him again.
It seems as though it never happened other than the memories and pictures that I will forever hold onto.
I know I need to push it back though - to the back of my mind.
I need to move on.
I get up out of bed and pull on some jean shorts and a cropped T with my trainers and text the girls.


"Hell yeah!"

I hop into my car and drive to the mall.

I arrive at the mall and pull my phone out of my pocket. There is a text from Alexis telling me to meet them at Starbucks (as always.)
As I lock my car, I am knocked over onto the floor.


I yell and turn to look at whatever idiot has just pushed me over.

As I open my mouth to yell again I see a guy with dark hair and an adorable smile.

"Oh my god are you okay!?"

I can tell he is panicking as he reaches out his hand to help me up.

"I guess so" I mumble.

I recognise him from somewhere. I just can't think of where.
He looks at me and I can tell he is thinking the same thing.


Now I know her name 💗 [ A Shawn Mendes Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now