thinking out loud chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Austins mind

I can't belive that Jimmy wants me to break up with Ally. She means the world to me. If I don't break up with her my career is over. I don't know what to do.

"Ello, Ello. I just signed a British boy band." Aleast she is having fun.
I love ally but I also live my music. I can't belive I have to chose between the two things I love the most. Music or ally. Ally or music. Ugh! This is so frustrating. "Is now not a good time?" I bite my lip hard and shake my head.

In the auditorium I had to sit across the room from ally. I really needed to talk to her. I look over. Wow. She is so beautiful and perfect. I think I'm drooling. "AUSTIN GO OUTSIDE!" Dez screams earning him a bunch of shhs.

Outside I see a sad looking ally. I get worried and go into boyfriend mode. I need to make sure she's safe it's an instinct. "What's going on?" I say tearing up. "I think we should break up austin. Trish told me what Jimmy said. I can't make you chose between me and music." She said back clearly with a lump in her throat. " I'm not going to chose. We just need to hide our relationship. Whenever there's a camera or a phone with a camera. Whenever there's a window or whenever Jimmys around-". "Thats crazy. Neither of us would be happy doing that." She takes a step away and that just crushes me. "Look. Nows the best time to do this. I'm going on tour your about to go back to the studio. We won't see each other for 3 months." I step closer to her. "Ally, I don't want to lose you again." Tears now flowing in my eyes causes me to lean down and rest my forehead on hers. She turns the position into a hug.

I decide to go to the break room.
I loved ally so much I guess she is trying to do what's best for me. But deep down inside I know that she's what's best for me. She makes me happy and I have so much fun with her.

I guess people were looking for me because when I snap out of my thoughts Dez Is there. "Dude. What's wrong?" He asks knowing somethings up. "Ally just broke up with me." I replied to fill him in with a sad sounding voice. "Well I guess your already really said nows the best time to do this." He says kinda freaking me out. Is he moving? Did he replace me? "Do you know how carries going back to LA?" I nod still wondering how this is going to turn out. "Well. I'm kinda going with her. I'm taking a film class out there. I realized without love what's the point of any of this?" And ally is in my mind again. Music won't be the same for me anymore. "W- what. Your moving out to LA?" Carrier walks in. "Did you tell him?" " Ya he knows." "Did he cry like a little baby like you said he would?" I put my arms up in disbelieve. When they walk away I think some more. Do I love music more or ally more? Allys beautiful but she is what got me where I am today.

After Jimmy comes to get me we go sit down. I am so mad at him for what he has done to me. I need ally and music for my life to be complete. Not just music.

"Look I know your upset about ally. But everything I make you do will get you up there one day ." He tells me after Jasmine fiara claims her prize and starts he speech. "Why wait for one day when I can go up there now?" I say standing up. Jimmy follows me. "What do you think your doing?" He asks as I walk away from him. I made my decision. I need ally to be complete she means the world to me. I love her so very much. "But winning is so much better." "Hey Jasmine can I borrow that?" "Sure." She says akwardly handing me the mic and walking away. "Love your album by the way. Hi everyone. By doing this I could be throwing away my career. But I don't care anymore when I came here tonight I was so excited to tell the world that I  have a girlfriend. And her name is Ally Dawson. A good friend once told me without love what's the point of anything." , "Whoo!" Dez said loudly and pointed to him self. "Ally I didn't know at the time. But when I walked into the music store. I had no idea it would be the best day of my life. I love you ally." I finish. It hurts saying good bye to music but I made the right decision. I love Ally to much to let her go. Now I can go on tour with her and I won't have to worry about missing her for 3 months. "I love you too austin." She said with her lovely angelic voice. She runs up and kisses me. I obviously kiss her back. All I can here is our best friends screaming in the back.

Later that night we are back at sonic boom. I'm sitting on the counter and ally is standing in front of me cause she didn't want to sit in my lap in front of Trish and Dez. I am really gonna miss my music but ally is the best thing for me right now. I have known her for 3 years and she is what got my to this point in my life. I couldn't have done it without her. "I just got off the phone with Jimmy." Trish sighs. "Looks like you won't be making music anytime soon. Sorry Austin.". I nod a little upset but I shake the emotion off. "I've already made my decision." I jump off the counter and stand next to my beautiful girlfriend. "And it was the right one." I hug allys waist and she hugs me back. "Were gonna have so much fun on tour ally.". Yes. I packed 5 suit cases full of books for us to read on the bus.", "Aww I thought you said we were going to have fun on tour." I say trying to get her to roll her eyes. "Well we better get going the bus is waiting.", " I'm going to miss you guys." Ally says sadly. I hate it when she is sad. We get into a group hug. "We will see you when we get to LA Dez.". "I will be their too. The boy band and I are going on holiday."

When we are walking out we talk. "Are you sure that you have everything Dez?" The first time I have heard Trish care about Dez. "I just have this feeling I forgot something." "Thats because you probably did." And there went the kindness. I turn around and see allys not here. Oh no. Where is she? I walk back to sonic boom. There is the prettiest person ever. "You ready to do this?" She nods off. I put my arm around her shoulder and her petite arm goes around my waist. She rests her light head on my shoulder as we walk out of the store. It's almost as if I hear cheering in the background. That's just weird.

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