Part 7:

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I'm walking down Violet's hallway, to Violet's bedroom. I'm sort of freaking out inside. What am I going to say to her? Do I have any evidence? I don't even know if it's a true statement!

I debate against myself until Violet's little sister, Daisy, gestures towards the door. "Here it is. Knock yourself out." She says. "Thanks!" I answer as she walks back down the hall. She just lifts her hand up, not turning back, as a sign of a welcome.

As I open the door, I decide that I'm going to just wing it. The maple wooden door screeches open quietly. The first thing my eyes land on is a girl in a blue dress, hunched over a desk. A pencil moves rapidly over a piece of paper.

"Ehem." I cough out. The girl turns and smiles widely when she sees my face. "Nice to meet you again, Noreen." "You too, Violet." I manage to say without shivering in fear.

"What may I help you with?" Violet asks while turning back to her paper, to begin writing again. "Harry." She turns, acting confused. "And what makes you think I know where he is?" "Because I never said anything about him missing." I snap back, closing the door lightly.

Her reaction forms from fear, to an evil grin. Her eyes turn to angry slits. "It seems I have nothing to help you with, sweetie." I glare at her. "I know you have him here, sweetie." I say mimicking her. "Give him to me or I will give this situation to the cops." I say sliding my hand around my iPhone in my front pocket.

"No need. He's downstairs." She says, getting up from her seat. "Let me show you." That was easy. Way to easy. I follow her as I open her door. She leads me back down the hall to a door painted white. Dirt is sprawled at the bottom of the door.

Violet grasps the door handle and gestures down the dark stairwell. "No. You first." I say. The confidence in my voice is unfamiliar, and she is shocked by it, also.

"Fine." She growls back. Violet steps into the doorway, flipping a switch up. The stairs light up from a dim lightbulb above them. As she stomps down the stairs, I think of seeing Harry again.

His mouth will form into a grin, as I hug and kiss him. Once we get back to my apartment, Harry and I will kiss. A kiss I have been missing for 10 days. "Harry." Slips out of my mouth.

Violet looks at me funny before opening another door. I scream in pain as I feel something hit me in the back of the head. I fall to the ground. When I look up everything is blurry. There's a boy, around my age, with the butt of a bat in his hand.

He smiles at my suffering. I gasp when I recognize the smile. "Got her right in he head!" He high fives Violet. "Yes, now we just have to put her with, Harry..." My eyes tear up.

"Don't cry darling." Is all he says. Violet bends down, checking the back of my head. She shakes at the blood coming out. "W-well done Liam."

Liam picks me up and carries me to a bed in the room. The ice on the back of my head, stinging through the pain. It may have been a fake hit, but he did not miss. The fake blood packet Louis attached to my head, made so much more sense, now.

"Stop moving. You have to rest." Liam whispered in my ear. The room was dark. I looked at Liam. "W-where's Harry?" I ask. My dried tears stiffen my face.

Liam steps back. "Goodnight, Noreen." I still don't completely understand the plan. I grip his wrist before he can walk away. "Thanks, Liam."

He smiles widely. He lightly kisses me on the head. "Sweet dreams." I grin and turn on my side. Facing another bed. I'm just realizing how big the room is as my eyes adjust.

The room has 9 beds, 4 on my side, 5 on the other. There is a small window on each side. The ground is mostly covering it though. I look around the room some more and notice- there's a sound at the door.

I freeze even though I want to look and see who it is. I clamp my eyes shut when I see the flashlight getting closer to my bed. The light floods through my eyelids.

"Noreen Kelly." Violet says quietly. "We need to do something with.... her." Another man grunts in agreement. "We can't let her find Harry. Why did Liam put her in here? She might have seen him!"

I can tell she's trying to whisper, but her last word echoes through the basement/room. Him. Is him, Harry? If Harry was in here, I might just die. I need to see him.

The man pokes me and I try not to flinch. "Lets go." Violet says, clearly annoyed with Liam and me... mostly me.

Once I here the door lock, I lean up quietly. I check my surroundings for any cameras or something. I mean... Violet might be pretty, but there could be another mind in there.

When I'm sure the coast is clear, I get out of the bed and walk to the next 3 beds. The first one is empty.

The second one has a man with blonde hair. Sort of like Niall's hair. His face has stretch marks. He's smiling as he sleeps. At least someone's happy.

Noticing the next bed is empty, I leap to the other side of the "hall". There is two little girls , sharing a bed. They look like twins. Their hair is red and wavy. The freckles on their face are dark compared to their pale skin. I smile when one of the girls puts her arm around the other, almost protectively.

I figured out the pattern and skip the next empty bed. I lean over a boy with curly hair and nearly jump for joy. It has to be Harry. I nudge him slightly, and he turns over in his bed. When he turns, and I see his face my face falls.

It's not Harry. "Noreen?!" He nearly screams. "What are you doing here? You're gonna get hurt!" He grabs my wrist as he leans up in bed. It hurts, a lot.

I cringe at my wrist. Why did Louis send me here?! I didn't want to see him. I never wanted to see him, ever. I yank my wrist away and begin to walk away.

"Noreen, you can't run away from me forever." I stop. I can't move for a while. When I finally decide to move, I turn and glare at him. "Haven't done so bad lately.... have I Shawn?"

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