Chapter 7

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"Score." B/F/N says when Jack walks off. I flick her forehead and roll my eyes, but still smile. 

"Oh, shush."

"You know it's true."

"......... Shush."

"Ha! Delayed response! You think so, too! You like him." she wiggles her eyebrows, and I internally scream. 

"I don't know if I do, so stop asking." I grumble, and she groans.

"Fiiiine." She perks up instantly. "Race ya to the registers?"

"You know I have the speed of a turtle..." I whine.

"Exactly!" She laughs and takes off running. I sigh and run after her. 

--Time Skip--

I finally catch up to B/F/N and stop a few feet short of her, bending over and wheezing. Meanwhile she laughs. Jee, thanks. What are friends for, huh?

"Uhh.... Y/N are you ok?" Tooth asks, floating next to me. Still wheezing, I hold up one hand, signalling for her to wait. It takes a minute to get my breath back. 

I look up at B/F/N. "I hate you." 

"You know you love me." She laughs with a small grin. 

"My lungs are trying to kill me."

B/F/N laughs again while Tooth looks at me worriedly.

"I didn't know they could do that!" 

We both looked at Tooth strangely. "It's a saying."

"They aren't actually trying to kill Y/N." B/F/N adds.

Tooth makes a face of "oh" and B/F/N looks at me.

"SOOOOOO. Who's this supposed to be?" She asks, gesturing towards Tooth. I turn to Tooth, who nods and smiles.

"This is Tooth, the Tooth Fairy and Guardian of Memories." I tell her.

"That's rad!" 

I internally cringe. "Why must you say 'rad'?"  

"Because it annoys you."

"Jee, thanks."

"You are very welcome."

The rest of the Guardians come over, and the first one B/F/N notices is Sandy.

"He is so adorable..." she whispers to me. 

"I know, right?" I whisper back, then turn to look at all of the Guardians. "As some of your already know, my friend B/F/N can see all of you."

They all nod and sit there in silence.

I sigh. "Are you gonna sit there awkwardly staring at her or are you gonna introduce yourselves?" They all snap out of the trans, and nod. After they all introduce themselves, I add to what they said.

"Bunny is the grumpy one who hates being called a Kangaroo, and is Jack's rival. They fight a lot." Bunny scowls at me, then goes back to flipping his boomerang into the air and catching it. "Sandy is my pranking buddy and hates being called anything related to adorable, but we all do it anyways. He's a mute, so he uses sand to communicate." Sandy makes a waving hand out of sand and smiles. "Tooth is the one who obsesses over teeth, so don't smile with her anywhere in the 10 mile radius. Other than that, she's very hyper and friendly. Oh, and she has little mini fairies that help her with collecting teeth." Tooth smiles as a few little fairies pop out from behind her. Baby Tooth flies out of Jack's hoodie for a few seconds before landing on his shoulder. "North is a impulsive, friendly, cookie-loving guy that has a 'feeling in his belly' on occasion. He has elves and yetis that work with him, though I haven't seen them." North grinned and patted his stomach. "Finally, Jack is the overly-sarcastic and rebellious teenager who Sandy and I prank. He also loves pancakes. And he can fly."  Jack narrowed his eyes at me and leaned on his staff.

"Still haven't gotten my revenge for that prank." he muttered.

"What did you do?" B/F/N asks.

"I dumped an entire batch of pancake batter on his head." I reply and smirk, giggling. Apparently, Bunny remembered he hadn't gotten his revenge on Sandy yet either, because he started chasing the little dude around. Sandy made a cloud around himself and lifted himself into the air, out of Bunny's reach. When Bunny growled, he stuck his tongue out at him. 

"Good job!" B/F/N laughs, and high-fives me. After we checked out, we walked back outside the store. 

It was already nightfall.

"How long were we in there?!"

--Time Skip--

We all walk into my house, including B/F/N. Bunny drops his million carrots into the fridge, before taking out a few. I look at the clock - 9:34. I walk into my living room and pull out the Wii and Mario Kart 8. 

I turn to everyone. "I challenge you all to a Mario Kart 8 tournament!" B/F/N groaned loudly and I grinned. 

"What's Mario Kart 8?" Tooth asks, landing next to me. 

"A competitive game, basically racing cars but with power-ups." I explain.

"Oh. Sounds fun!"

"Lots of children have asked for this game for Christmas, so I'm somewhat familiar to it." North says, holding a controller. 

"Sandy, wanna join?" I ask, and a thumbs-up sign forms above his head. I hand a controller to him, then to turn to Jack and Bunny, who are fighting again.

"Jack, Bunny."

No response.

"Jack! Bunny!"


"Frosty and the Kangaroo!" I yell over their fighting. They both finally turn to me, though they still elbow and push each other. "Wanna join Mario Kart?"

"No, it sounds stupid."

"You get to compete against each other in the game."

They both ran at the controllers. 

-- Time Skip --

I'm surprised my neighbors haven't called the police with a noise complaint. Everyone's yelling at everyone, telling them to stop throwing banana peels at them, and so on. It's the 5th round, and I've won most of them. 

"GET OUT THE WAY!" B/F/N yells at me.

"NEVER!" I yell back.









My little car drives past hers, and past the finish line. She screeches and drops her controller. 

"I win." I announce smugly. "Now you have to carry me to my bed because I'm to lazy to do otherwise."

"What? Why me?"

"Because reasons." 

She groaned and grabbed my ankle. Dragging me to my room, I wave goodbye to the other people who are staring at me strangely. I plop onto my bed and put up a peace sign. 

"Peace out." 

Then I pass out. 

My Winter Angel - Jack Frost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now