Peter Oneshot 2/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have a question: What is the limit on the number of parts a Wattpad book can have? Just curious. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: The reader is Caspian's sister, but she's also half-mermaid

Peter felt drained.

The war with the Telmarines had ended three days prior, and everyone had made their way back to the castle. To Peter, it felt strange to walk through the courtyard where half of his army had been viciously slaughtered and to wonder, Where had the bodies gone? They have to have put them somewhere.

He didn't like riding through crowds of Telmarines after Caspian's coronation. He knew that not all of them accepted the new leadership, and though Narnia was generally a rather peaceful place, Peter hadn't recognized his country since they arrived. He wondered if he would ever muddled through the fog and see the old Narnia, or maybe grow to accept what had become of it.

One thing Peter had forgotten about Narnia in his time in England was celebrations. Everyone in the whole of Narnia could throw an amazing party, especially when royalty was there. Festivities were frequent and a neutral way to interact with visiting powers and, to speak crudely, dance until you found someone you liked.

Peter wasn't really sure what to do at the party that night. He was a King, sure, but he recognized none of the noblemen or women here, and was certain they wouldn't recognize him. He had looked quite different as a grown man, remember.

He had heard people speak of a girl, Y/N, that hadn't been a part of the ceremony or the celebrations afterward. They seemed to be disappointed at her failure to make an appearance, making Peter wonder who she was.

With his siblings occupied with socializing and whatnot, Peter's eyes began to wander the crowd. Some people were dancing, others eating and more talking in small groups closer to the edge of the room. Peter admittedly kept an eye on his brother and sisters. He still wasn't sure that he wanted them to be alone with anyone in present company.

"Enjoying the view?"

Peter jerked at the voice, regretting that he had become so jumpy in England. He turned slightly to the right, not letting Lucy out of his sight as she spoke to whom he supposed was a nobleman.

Out of the corner of his eye, Peter would see a woman with H/C hair, wearing a starkly red dress that was just as wide around the hem as his sister's were. He could feel the material pressing against his ankle, and Peter wondered just how close he was to this woman.

"Something like that," he replied. "'Bit different from my day."

"Oh," the woman said. "That's right. You're the newly returned High King of Narnia." She took a deep breath. "Pray tell, how does it feel to know that your country is now in my brother's hands?"

Peter turned his full attention to the woman quickly as what she had said sunk in. Brother? When he saw her, Peter choked on his breath.

"Wait," he spluttered out, "You were the mermaid in the stream!"

The girl's lips curled. "In the flesh."

Peter's mouth opened and closed comically before the girl finally spoke for him.

"I'm only half-mermaid," she explained. "When I get wet, I grow a, surprisingly heavy, tail." She giggled. "Essentially, when we were younger, before we figured out what I was, Caspian would throw cups of water on me just so that I'd change into a mermaid."


"Younger sister," she said. "No one outside of the royal family and merpeople know about me."

Peter took a second to recollect himself, to put everything into it's place in his brain. Once he actually comprehended that Caspian had a half-mermaid sister he had never said anything about, he turned back to the girl.

"What's your name? If you are a princess, why haven't you been to any ceremonies today?" Peter asked.

"Y/N," she said. "It's a family name." Y/N scrunched up her nose, and Peter couldn't help but think the action was incredibly cute. "I've never liked it much, but I can't change it."

"And the ceremonies?"

"I spent the better part of the day talking to merpeople about the new change of command. Telmarines and merfolk used to work closely on matters of trade and voyages, but Miraz weakened our relationship with them. It was hell trying to get them to believe that Caspian wouldn't follow in his footsteps."

"Did you win them over?" Peter asked. He had dealt with merpeople on more than one occasion, and he couldn't see the tiny girl beside him arguing her point to terrifyingly powerful underwater creatures, even if she was one of them.

Y/N looked playfully offended. "You think too little of me," she joked.

This sent them into a fit of giggles, and Peter didn't dare to think of how silly he looked to other people.

"Would you like to dance?" Peter offered his hand to the princess. She took it with a small hand.

"As long as you make sure no one spills any kind of beverage on me, this evening may be very nice."

Narnia Preferences and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now