Chapter 70

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Dinah's grim words echoed around the suite. Lauren and Sinu staring at her blankly as they registered what she had said. Sinu's mind no doubt doing the same as Lauren's; running from disbelief, to denial and back again...over and over again.

"But everyone said that it was all a bluff," Sinu said accusingly, her face stricken tears evident in the corners of her tired-looking eyes, "you all said that this wouldn't happen, you said they'd never go through with it!"

"We said we thought it was unlikely, Mrs. C," Dinah said shaking his head, "all the evidence we had pointed towards that conclusion. Like I say, we don't even know if it is anything to do with the abduction, it could be a simple crime, or a misunderstanding, or both; but we thought we should get together and wait, just in case... and I wanted you both to hear the news from someone personally, not some prick who doesn't care about either of you. Neither of you deserves that."

"I see, thank you, Dinah," Sinu said simply; before closing down and sitting silently, messing with her hands in nervous tension. They all sat down together, lost in their thoughts, jumping only at a knock on the door, a tray full of jugs and china cups appearing with one of the hotel staff when Dinah opened it.

To her surprise, Sinu stood up and took the tray, bustling Dinah out of the way and serving the coffee to everyone; pouring a cup of tea for Lauren with a wink, clearly remembering her dislike of coffee first thing in the morning. The woman was utterly amazing; not a moment ago, she'd looked dead to the world; staring at the floor, the movement of her hands the only thing indicating that she was still alive. Now she was bustling around pouring drinks and asking everyone if they would like her to order breakfast; putting on that brave face she wore so well.

Within moments, they all had steaming cups and Sinu was on the phone to reception again, trying to rustle up some food that probably none of them wanted to eat, clearly just wanting to do something, anything... anything than just sit here numbly, feeling completely helpless; the way she felt right then, staring blankly at the wall hoping she could wake up from the nightmare she was living through.

"You ok, kid?" Dinah said gently, sitting down next to her on the sofa, taking the space Sinu had just vacated.

"What do you think, boss?" she replied, trying, and failing, not to snap at her.

"I think y'all look like you're about to commit an act of violence on that wall, Lauser," Dinah replied with a hint of the whimsical charm that usually made Lauren smile.

Not today, though, not right now anyway.

"I'll commit an act of violence on you in a minute, Dinah," she muttered, still glaring at the wall trying to compose her thoughts.

"Well, if that's what you need, Lauser, you're surely welcome to try," the blonde replied calmly, her voice low enough that only the two of them can hear it. "But could you please avoid the face? You know that people would never forgive either of us if I wasn't my normal beautiful self when we get home."

She blinked at that, and smiled despite herself, Dinah Jane clearly wasn't just a good boss, she was also a damned good leader. She wished she'd known her when she was in the Army; she was made of the right stuff.

She was fucking glad the blonde would be with her when they went to rescue Camila... if she was still alive, that was.

"Chin up, amigo," Dinah said seeing her face fall at the thought. "If it helps, try to remember that Camila's their prize chip. They're not likely to just throw it away to make a point."

"You think it's this Brian guy, then?" she asked blinking rapidly to hide the pinpricks of tears that were threatening to form. "You think they might have killed him to make a point?"

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