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*with Jerry at woohp*

Jerry: *he was working in his office until Gladis came in running*

Gladis: Sir we have a problem!

Jerry: what's wrong?

Gladis: we think there is something wrong with the portal!

Jerry: oh dear.

* he follows gladis to the basement and hears a lot a rumbling noise*

Jerry: what could it be that is making the portal make so much  rumbling noise. * he walks to to it and tries to have a closer look*
Skull crusher: okay everyone you know the plan! Go and destroy everything and everyone until the ghost girl surrenders herself!

Army: *cheering*

Skull crusher: ready! ATTACK! *they go through the portal*
*jerry sees something very suspicious*

Jerry: *gasps* everybody run!!!!!

Agents: ahhhh!

*they see millions and millions of ghosts going through the portals*

*the ghost hunters grabbed their weapons And started shooting*

Jerry: I've got to call the girls!
*with Clarissa*

Clarissa: hey! Give me back my phone Brandon!!! I'm gonna tell mom!!!!

Brandon: nah nah nah nah!! 😜

Clarissa: arg! *she runs and attacks him* gotcha!!!!

Bianca and Samantha: hahahahHHahHha nice one!

Samantha: your such a good role model Clarissa. *shes says sarcastically*

Clarissa: hey I may be the oldest but that doesn't mean I'm always mature.

*she hears screaming outside*

Bianca: What was that?

Clarissa: huh? *she sees ghosts everywhere*😱
*with melody*

Melody: hey mom have you seen my book? I can't find it.

Mom: I think your older sister was looking at it earlier. She uh put on the kitchen counter.

* as melody went to the kitchen counter to get her book she saw something fly past her window*

Melody: huh? *she opens the curtains and sees ghosts all over the place*
*with Brittany *

*Brittany was in her room on her laptop until she heard the sirens go off*

Brittany: mhm? *she gets off her bed and looks out window* oh no there a ghost attack!

*her mom comes in*

Mom: there's a war going on.

Brittany: 😦
*with jessica*

*playing UNO*

Jenna: ha! I win!

Jessica: what! That's the 5th Time I lost!!!

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