July 7

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"Happy birthday, Al," Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around her friend. "Thank you for coming today."

"Like I said, I'm not going to skip out on seeing Mila," Ally smiled. "Dinah and Normani are meeting us there," she said as her eyes dropped down to the bag in Lauren's hand. "What's in the bag?"

"Bananas," Lauren said with a small shrug. "The kitchen staff agreed to hold them and give one to Camila with every meal."

"She's going to be so happy," Ally laughed. "Come on, let's go. You're driving?"


"Awesome, I'll catch a ride home with Norminah," Ally told her. "Dinah told us you wanted some alone time with Camila."

"I do, thanks."

"No problem," Ally said as she fished her phone from her pocket and swiped through her photos. "So I have two outfit choices for tonight, which one do you think I should wear? We're going to dinner and then we're going rollerskating."

"The first one," Lauren said as she and Ally made their way out to her car. "Definitely the first one."


Dinah: We are here, where are you?

Ally: Just pulling in the parking lot

Dinah: Oh, ha yeah I see Lauren's car now


"Hi, welcome to the Miami Dade Mental Health," a young woman with auburn hair said as she looked up from her spot behind the front desk. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to see Camila Cabello," Lauren said quickly, watching as the woman typed away at her computer.

"I see," she said looking up with a smile. "If you'd like to take a seat over there," the woman told the girls, pointing to a waiting area. "Someone will come and get you as soon as visiting hours start."

Lauren looked up at the large clock on the wall, shifting nervously. Fifteen minutes, she sighed loudly and then turned back to the woman. "I have some bananas," she said noticing the woman furrow in her brow. "I'm supposed to leave them with you so they can be given to the nutritionist." The woman nodded and took the bag, stopping from moving it to far away when she saw Lauren reach in and snap two bananas from the bunch, giving the woman a small smile and a shrug of her shoulders, Lauren made her way over to her friends.

Ally filled them all in on hers and Hannah's plans and refused Lauren's insistence of giving her the birthday gifts they had bought her, "Nope, we are not celebrating until Camila comes home. Hold your gifts until then."

"You're too patient," Dinah laughed. "Or maybe when it comes to my birthday presents, I'm too eager."

"A combination of the two, I'm sure," Ally told her as she reached out and placed a hand on Lauren's bouncing knee. "You okay?"

"Two more minutes," Lauren said pointing to the clock. "I'm nervous, I don't know why."

"Be prepared, she might not seem like herself," Ally said sadly. "The meds can do that while they work their way through a person's system."

Prepared Lauren was not. A nurse in yellow scrubs led them through the double doors towards Camila's room and when she knocked, Camila looked up from her spot on her hospital bed and smiled. The smile was small and Camila's eyes were dull. Her hair messy and wild. The bags under her eyes were dark and Camila just looked tired and pale.

"Shit," Dinah whispered as Lauren swallowed the sob threatening to spill over.

"Are you guys coming in or?" Camila said gesturing to the fact the her friends were still standing in the doorway. They didn't need to be told twice, Normani, Dinah, and Ally running towards her and pulling her into a hug. "Hi, happy birthday Al," Camila said as the girls let her go. "I uh, made you a birthday card," she said as she passed the card to Ally. "I had free time and there are only crayons and construction paper, so it's not very-"

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