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•Taehyung's pov•

When I woke up the next morning I smiled down at Y/n who was still asleep in my arms.

She looked adorable and after everything that happened yesterday I felt happier than I have in a very very long time.

Last night she confessed to me.

How she did it was so blunt yet adorable.

*Flashback to last night*

"The person I like isn't Jimin. It's you." Y/n says and the brown haired boy stares at her with wide eyes.

"Wait, really?!" He asks, shocked yet excited.

"Yeah. I didn't think I'd be the one to confess but when Jungkook told me you liked me too I just couldn't hold it in." Y/n announces and Taehyung smiles down at her and pulls her closer.

"Well he's right. I do like you, a lot." He says and her eyes seem to light up even though the moonlight isn't giving much light to work with.

"This means we should date. You will be my girlfriend, right?" Taehyung asks and the female in his arms laughs.

"Of course." She smiles and he leans down and kisses her forehead.

They were both extremely happy.

"Goodnight Taehyung."

"Goodnight, girlfriend."
*present time*

I couldn't stop smiling.

Y/n really was my girlfriend now.

I was finally dating her and I was happy.

Of course I was a bit nervous about what the guys would say or about what would happen if the fans found out. but everytime I looked at Y/n in my arms all of my problems seemed to melt away in that moment.

I felt at peace.

Suddenly Y/n moved, knocking me from my thoughts.

"Good morning." I smile as her eyes open then look over at me.

"Morning." She says, smiling a little.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask as I begin to sit up.

"We work today. Don't you remember?" She laughs as she stands.

"Oh yeah." I say as I make a face and stand up.

"I'm gonna go get ready. You should eat." Y/n says then disappears out of the room.

I smile to myself and then head to the kitchen to get breakfast.

There I see all of the guys waiting on Jin to finish cooking.

"Good morning. Where's Y/n?" Hoseok asks as he glances around.

"She's getting ready." I say and he nods and runs his fingers through his blonde hair.

It did look pretty great on him.

Maybe I should ask Y/n to dye my hair.


"Here." Jungkook says as he passes me a plate of food and I begin to eat.

Soon enough Y/n comes out and takes a seat in the open spot next to Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Are you ready for today? I think we're just practicing dance routines but we can go do something afterwards." Jin says while smiling in Y/n's direction.

"Sounds fun." She smiles and I smile at her and continue to eat.
When we get to the studio Y/n goes and takes a seat beside Mel and they begin to talk about whatever it is they talk about.

"Focus man." Jungkook says as he nudges me a little.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." I apologize quickly before beginning to dance again.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go buy some snacks." Y/n says after a little bit.

"Hurry back!" Jin calls out and she nods and hurries out the door.

She had only just left and I missed her presence already.

Your pov•

As I was making my way back from the store someone bumped into me and tripped me causing me to drop all of my things.

I hear a laugh and when I glance up I see none other than Ji Su herself.

I let out a breath and begin to pick my things up.

"I bet you thought you wouldn't see me again huh." She laughs.

"Well a girl can dream." I say and stand back up.

"How is my Taehyungie doing? It's been awhile since I've seen him and I miss him." She says and the mention of Taehyung coming from her makes me angry.

"He's been fine." I say simply.

"Don't think this is the last you'll see me. I'll be back. I have my ways." She says with a laugh before walking away.

I scoff and dust myself off before heading back into the building.

When I get there I see the guys sitting down resting.

When Jimin sees me he speaks.

"What happened to your leg?! Did you fall?!" He asks and the rest of the guys look at me.

"I'm fine." I say as I set the snacks down.

"You're bleeding." Yoongi points out and I look down to see just that.

"Oh." I say and mentally curse.

"Come with me. I'll help clean it." Taehyung says and I nod and let him pull me out of the studio.

He takes me to a room and sets me down on a bench as he pulls out medicine and bandages.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I just tripped is all." I say but he doesn't look very convinced.

"Y/n.. Tell me the truth." He says and I let out a breath and then tell him.

"She really said that? Don't worry about her y/n, I'll protect you." Taehyung smiles and I feel a smile slipping onto my face but it slowly turns to pain as he puts peroxide on my knee which stings like a bitch.

"Ouch." I whine as I feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Shh it's okay. It'll heal better now and not get infected." He says as he puts on two bandages then stands up.

"Thank you." I say and he smiles and nods.

"Of course. Now let's get back so we can finish then head to wherever they wanted to go." He says and I nod and follow him back.
They practice for at least an hour and a half more and then they decide we're gonna go shopping at the mall.

As we're roaming around I see Taehyung by a rack of hair dye.

He turns to me with a bright smiles and pulls off a box of hair dye.

"Will you dye my hair?"
"It looks great!" I smile as I admire his new bright red hair.

"Thank you! My fans also really seem to like it." He smiles.

"Well I do too." I say which makes him smile again.

"It's so cute that I just gotta..." I trail off as I pull out my phone and begin to take pictures.

"Ahh stop." He giggles as his covers his face with his hands.

"Aish you're so cute." I fangirl and he smiles and pulls my face towards his, squishing it in his hands.

"No you're so cute. So cute that I just wanna kiss you." He says and I let my eyes fall shut.

"Then do it."

And next thing I know, his lips are on mine.

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