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I did it...I ended it. 

I didn't want to but I had to. He was lost and I couldn't guide him back to who I fell in love with. Don't get me wrong. I still love him which is why I'm heartbroken and in pain. 

What adds to my pain? 

The fact that its only been a matter of days and I've already been erased from his social media. I've been wiped, like I don't exist. 

Before I left (the night we broke up) he told me he loves me and as I got into my car to drive away i'll never forget the words he left me with "goodnight princess."

I'll admit that gave me hope and it was stupid to just be so hopeful right after a breakup but you are what you feel and I feel hurt, broken, sad, ugly, lost, and confused. 

For now this will be my Journal and you're welcome to join my heartbreaking journey as the days pass. 

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