the t h i r d letter

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Dear Hunter,

I'm going to start from the beginning. The start of our relationship to the end.

We were in the middle of Year Eleven when I noticed you for the first time.

I know you saw me looking at you. I turned away hastily, more out of embarrassment than anything, and when I turned back you were still looking at me, smiling that goddamned smile that made me fall in love a little more every time I saw it. That thing was still between your teeth.

My hatred for smoking is still present, and has been since my father passed away of lung cancer when I was six years old.

As I mentioned in the last letter, I never again saw you smoke. Despite this, I asked you to stop anyway when we became on speaking terms with each other.

This is very much like my last letter. My point is, Hunter, you would have done anything for me; you told me you would have. God, you said you'd have died for me. So why did you break my heart, why did you break me so carelessly, so effortlessly, without any visible signs of emotion, that you even cared?

All my love, always,

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