chapter 12

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It's been four months since I went to the doctors I'm now 9 months pregnant so that means my baby will be coming soon... I was laying in bed when I felt something wet go down my legs I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach I knew my water broke I grunted in pain and yelled "Damon!!!" Damon zoomed to my room and said "what" he looked at me I said "my water broke" his eyes widen he pulled out his phone and dialed the witch who is delivering my baby after he told her that my water broke he called Elijah

"What can I do for you Damon"

"You need to come home.. NOW!"


"Becuase your girlfriend's water broke"

There was a pause...

"I'm on my way"

Elijah came within a couple of minutes .. the witch finally came and she said "OK Maddy are you ready to push" i nodded I was in so much pain the witch said "ok now I want you to push when I count to 10... Ready go" I started to push "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" I stopped pushing "ok Maddy push again" I started to push again she counted to ten "I see the head... Give me one big push" I took a deep breath and pushed with all my might I felt the baby come out i started breathing heavily she smiled and said "it's a girl" I smiled at Elijah "what do you wanna name her love" I though for a minute then I said "Sophia grace mikealson" Elijah smiled and nodded his head the witch gave us the birth certificate it said

Sophia grace mikealson
Born April 14th 2017
Parents: Maddy Salvatore and Elijah mikaelson

The witch handed me my baby after she cleaned the baby I held the babu in my arms and said "welcome to the world Sophia grace"

Yay!!! The baby was born

teenage Salvatore (sequel to baby Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now