the s i x t e e n t h letter

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Dear Hunter,

The next couple of months went just as the past ones had been — us occasionally being alone and sharing conversation, growing closer to each other. I loved it. I think, now, that I took the bliss you provided me with for granted, but it was such an indescribably wonderful feeling. I didn't mind that we didn't speak often and I didn't mind that your friends picked on me sometimes when I was with you and them, because you started to stick up for me. When Ashlynn pointed out once that I had worn the same jeans two days in a row, you "sassed her good and proper" as you would have said. I don't even remember what you said to her, but what I do remember is the elation in my chest and the shocked expression on Ashlynn's face afterwards.

The one thing I was aware of at this time was that prom was fast approaching and I didn't want to go with anybody but you. Every time you talked about it, I would feel my cheeks burn and the colour rise to my face. You probably noticed that, come to think of it.

The day after everyone started to talk about prom, and what they wanted to wear and who they were going with and who they were betting on for King and Queen, you approached me in the corridor after fourth period Math. We ate lunch together, and then you confided in me with your problem.

"I think I'm going to have to go to prom with Ashlynn," I remember you muttering over a carton, perhaps milk or orange juice. I recall this conversation so perfectly. "I hate her. She's an idiot."

I didn't know what to say, so I just sighed, shook my head, maybe said something simple in response.

"Who are you going with?" you asked after a small pause.

"I think I'll give it a miss," I muttered, embarrassed to admit that nobody had asked me. "Dancing isn't my thing."

You replied with a simple 'oh', and I may have been mistaken but I detected a hint of disappointment underneath your tone. That was when you asked me to meet you in the library after school for homework.

That trip to the library was my favourite library trip of all.

All my love, always,

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