Eddie's story

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- Eddie's POV -

I remember the day like it was just yesterday. It still haunts me, and having the feeling of knowing that, that day would be my last day on earth was horrifying.

I remember walking into the room, and seeing blood everywhere. All over the sheets, scattered along the walls, bloody hand prints on the walls, and floor. It was scaring to walk in on something like that. Then I saw a knife on the floor next to the bed. That was covered in blood too. I looked around and observed the room. I had no area what happened in there, but was starting to get the feeling he killed someone.

Then my dad opened the door, and saw me standing in the room. His face was priceless, as I looked at him with shock horror.

"What are you doing in here, son?" he asked softly. I felt confused at the time. I was expecting he would have yelled at me, or something.

"I came to ask mum for something, and I thought she was in here..." I confessed. I could tell my dad had really lost it mentally, judging by his fake smile.

"She's not in here anymore" he said, putting both hands behind his back. I felt myself become very uncomfortable.

"What happened in here? And where's mum?" I asked cautiously.

"Why don't you go look in your room?" he said, smiling evilly at me. I felt scared, terrified, and very uncomfortable, as I walked past him and down the hall to my room. Walking in my room, I closed the door behind me. I looked around my room. Nothing had changed. I wondered to myself why he asked me to go in there. Then the strangest thing happened. I looked to the corner of my room and I saw mum. She was standing there, wearing the same clothes she was wearing yesterday, but ripped up and torn, and covered in blood.

"Mum?" I said quietly. She looked at me and put her on best smile. She was still crying, but managed to smile at me. I took a few steps forward, and faced her. She looked faded, and pale. I took my hand, and tried putting it on her shoulder, but my hand went straight through her.

"What the?" I said, looking at my hand. I could see my hand inside her shoulder.

"I'm dead, sweetie" she said to me. I put my hand down and jumped.

"What?" I said, shocked.

"I'm here to protect you. Don't be scared" she said.

"How are you dead? What happened? Did dad kill you?" I asked, still shocked. My thoughts were speechless.

"Lock your door! Lock it now!" she said, sitting down in the corner of my room. She put her legs up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around them like she was cuddled up in a ball.

I was stood there confused, "what?" I said.

"Lock it your door! Lock it now!" was all she kept saying.

"HURRY UP!" she shouted at me. I looked at my door, then back at the corner and she was gone. My door burst open, and it was my dad with an axe in his hands.

"Dad?" I said cautiously taking a couple of steps back. He closed my door, and flashed me an evil grin.

"Come give me a hug" he said, running up to me with the axe in his hands. I ran away from him, and he ended up chasing me in circles.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MAINIAC!" I shouted in strife at him, running for my live. I ran over to the corner where mum was before, and sat down with my legs up to my chest.

"Don't hurt me" I said defenselessly. He looked at the axe, and chucked it on my bed.

"Stand up" he said. I thought about it for a couple of seconds, and slowly stood up carefully. He smiled evilly at me, and then punched me in the face. I felt my face, and tasted blood on my finger. My nose started bleeding. I was afraid of what was going to happen next. I looked back at him, and he put his hand around my neck and started choking me. After a minute of not breathing, I could feel my knees become weak, and my sight slowly starting to fade. He choked me harder and harder and before I knew it, I blacked out, and fell to the floor.

* * *

Shortly after that, Eddie's dad buried him in the backyard next to his mother. About a year later he hung himself in the shed outside. Since then, nobody has ever lived in that house. And nobody knows about Eddie and his family.

Eddie's ghost never found the light. He couldn't find his way out, so his ghostly spirit reminds in that house. Every day, he spends his time sitting in his empty room, all alone, with no one to talk to.

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