Chapter 30

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Derek POV
My god someone needs to slap me right in the face. Just so I know what it feels like. I can't believe I almost hit Casey. AGAIN! and in front of Marti. Of course I didn't know Marti was there but still. I shouldn't have yelled at her. I shouldn't have gotten angry over her feelings. She's right we shouldn't date. We can't date. We... I don't know I guess we could have gotten over all over this. I hear foot steps from the stairs. I turn and see Casey standing on the platform. I see that she has a little smile on her face. How can she smile? Once again I had just been a total asshole to her and here she is smiling! I didn't understand. "Derek I don't want to fight." she says. I didn't look at her. I just put my head in my hands. "Derek." she says softly coming to sit next to me. "Im sorry." I look at her and shake my head.
"Dont do that." I say.
"Do what?"
"Say sorry. You have no reason to be sorry. If anything I should be saying sorry. And I do." I say. She wraps her arms around mine and puts he head on my shoulder.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." she says. I shake my head again. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. 
"Don't you do that. Don't make excuses for me. You know and I know that I did a asshole thing.... Your right." I say. She looks up at me. "We shouldn't have started this." she was crying. I couldn't bare the sight off a tear roll down her face.
"Derek don't say that. We just fight that's all. It's not so bad I mean we have some violents but that's a relationship right?" I smile. But it quickly fades.
"Your the first girl I have ever got physical with." I pause. "Im sorry for that Casey. I don't mean to be this way. I try to be a good guy but I just-
"Shhh." she pulls me into a hug. "Derek you are an amazing guy. I have never had a nicer boy in my life than you. I mean yea you were a bit annoying when I first got here but now look at us." She smiles. I of course smile back a tiny bit. 
"I really am sorry Casey." I say.
"I know you are." she says. I smile and kiss her. She kisses back and I lay her down o the couch. We sit there and kiss for awhile until a light comes on in the living room where we are makig out. We pull apart and see Lizzie and Edwin looking at us in shock.

Casey POV

"You guys can't tell!" I beg to Lizzie and Edwin a few moments after they caught us making out.
"We have to tell. I mean we can't keep this from mom and George." Lizzie says with her arms crossed in disappointment.
"Yea." edwin says backing her up.
"No no no. You guys can't tell or.. Um." derek stops in his sentence. Great I don't even have hi to back me up.
"Or what?" Edwin challenges.
"Ill tell dad about that girl you are dating." Derek says.
"Im not dating anyone Derek." Edwin says.
"Then I will make someone up." Derek replies. "Just don't tell dad and Nora." he says.
"Sorry Derek but we don't have a choice." Lizzie says.
"Yes you do." I say. " I mean come on Liz there has to be something that we can do to shut you guys up." I add.
"Umm. What do you think Edwin is there anything to shut us up?" Lizzie asks turning to Edwin. 
"Umm. Nope. You guys are busted!" He says. Lizzie gives him a high five then smiles at us. Derek looked scaried. I was too. 
"Lizzie please don't tell." I beh again.
"Sorry Casey but I have too." she says. She then yawns. "Tomorrow we will tell them but now it's bedtime. Goodnight guys." Lizzie and Edwin go up to there rooms. I look at Derek.
"Baby what are we gonna do?" I ask him.
"I don't know. I'm sure we can think of something." He says looking at me. I nod unsure of why but I nod anyway. 
"Well I don't think anyone at school besides Amy thinks we are dating." I say. Then I quickly get up.
"What?" he asks.
"Amy. Shit I have to work on a dance that is due in two day." I say getting up then leaning down to kiss him. "Night Derek!" I say then run upstairs to my room.

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