Chapter 2

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"No matter what you say or what you do. When I'm alone I'd rather be with you. Fuck these other niggas, I'll be right by your side till 3005." - Childish Gambino


What am I even doing right now? I should be in my home, under my covers, snuggled up, but no, I'm sitting outside of our spot waiting. I looked down at my phone checking the time. It was twelve at night and it was kind of chilly. I was going down my Twitter TL when I heard a slight tap on my window. I jumped at the noise and looked. Of course it was Rah, he smiled softly, I unlocked the door for him to open. He helped me out my car and we walked to the rocks where we would sit and talk. I sat safely next to him. "So." "So." He mimicked. I rolled my eyes. "Why'd you ask for me to come out here nigga?" He chuckled and wrapped one arm around my shoulder as I leaned into his body. "I just wanted to catch up, that's all." "Why?" He smirked. "I can't see what you been up to?" I shrugged. "You didn't care then, so I thought you wouldn't care now." "Come one Tuesdai, you know I still care." "Whatever Rah." He picked me up so that I was straddling his lap and looking into his eyes. He leaned back on a rock as I leaned back on his legs playing with my necklace. "You still kept that?" He asked flicking the heart necklace that had our son's name engraved in it. "Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" "I mean I'm the one that bought that for you, I thought you wouldn't wanna wear it anymore." "It means somethin' to me Rahmell." I could feel tears forming as he rubbed my back soothingly. 

"I didn't mean to say that Tues, I was just asking. I'm sorry." I shook my head. "No, no, I'm just a cry baby." I laughed as I wiped the stray tears away. He brushed his thumb across my cheek wiping off the remainder of the tears for me. I smiled at his gesture. "I'm still sorry. You know, for everything." I looked down, he lifted my chin so that I was staring into those hazel orbs. "I'm sorry Tues. You didn't deserve that shit at all. You were nothin' but good to a nigga and I was too busy being a asshole to see what I had. I should've just told you how I felt instead of cheating." 

"Tell me now." I whispered. He rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Tell you what?" "Tell me how you felt." He sighed and looked into my eyes. "I felt like shit."He chuckled. "I held my dead son in my arms and I couldn't  protect him Tues. I wanted to so badly man and I couldn't. He didn't deserve that. I wanted to blame you, I wanted to blame myself, but it wasn't anyone's fault. It just had to happen. I wasn't ready for that. He was so tiny man, he was so fragile and I couldn't protect him." A stray tear rolled down his cheek, I kissed it away and smiled at him.

"I blamed myself all the time ya know? I told myself that I'm his mother,  he was in my body, developing and I gave him this, I killed him, but one day I went to see your moms and she slapped some sense into me, literally." We laughed. "She told me it wasn't my fault, she told me none of what I was going through was my fault. She told me that I was damn good mother and I cried on her shoulder that day." "When was this?" "The day after I left you." He looked down at his fingers. 

"I'm sorry." I held up my hand. "No need to apologize to me. Did Trinity ever have her baby?" I hadn't talked to my cousin since I found out she was messing with Rah. She tried calling but I wanted nothing to do with her. How could she think we would be cool? It's not possible, at least not right now. "Wasn't mine." "I'm sorry." He shrugged. "Shit just don't go the way you expect it sometime. I was kinda happy though." "Why?" "I could be with you again." I chuckled. "Baby, you don't want to be with a girl like me anymore. Trust." He smirked. "Why not? Cause you out here stealing all these niggas moneys?" I was shocked as I let what he just said settle in. "How'd you know that." "Babygirl I know everything. I might've left Brooklyn, but Brooklyn ain't leave me. You know who am I to the street. I know everything. Why you outchea doin' that shit anyways Tues?" I sighed and looked into his eyes. "It filled a void. I was lonely and  hurt, I wanted to feel some type of love even if it wasn't real, just for a minute. One thing led to another and niggas started falling in love, givin' me the finer things. I liked the attention and I like the money and other shit that came with it." 

"How that shit make you feel after you do it?" He asked. "I don't feel anymore. So I wouldn't know how to answer that." "I wanna make you feel again baby." He leaned in and kissed me, I didn't fight the kiss, instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. It was as if his lips had electric currents going threw them. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I hadn't felt that way in a while. It scared me, but also made me want more. He stuck his  tongue into my mouth as I sucked on his bottom lip. I wanted him, I wanted him badly, but I knew what that would lead to, and I can't afford to fall in love with Rahmell Carter again. He'd hurt me and leave me all alone like he did three years ago. I stopped the kiss abruptly. "Rah, we can't-" "Don't tell me what we can't do Tuesdai. Stop bein' scary man. I love you Tuesdai, you hear me? I'm in love wit you still and I know damn well your still in love with me." I looked into his eyes. I wanted to cry out that I was still in love with him, but I coulndn't, I wouldn't allow it. I got up from his lap, and quickly walked down. He followed me,calling my name. I felt him grab my waist for me to stop.

"What?" I was now in tears. "Tell me you don't love me no more Tues and I'll leave you be." I sighed and wiped the tears away. "I don't love you anymore Rahmell." "Tuesd-." "Shut up and let me talk. I'm in love with you Rahmell, but I can't love you." He picked me and leaned me against my car as I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Give me a shot ma, I just wanna chance to make it up to you." He mumbled against my neck. "I need you to give me some time. Give me a week." He looked up and smiled. "A week?" I nodded my head. He kissed my lips and let me down. "A week, that's all Tuesdai." 

"A week is all I need." 

Hi Guys!! I don't know bout yall, but I loveeeeee Rahmell and Tuesdai! Leave me some comments and votes down below! Rahmell in the MM :)

Love You All!


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