~Chapter Two~

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"Grandma?" Kayla asked as she and her sister walked into the house.Shelia smiled as bpth of her granddaughters walked to the living room."Grandma!!" The twins yelled before hugging Shelia.

"Girls!! How was school?" Shelia asked them.The twins smiled.

"It was cool.Same old, same old." Kayla said putting her book bag down and sitting on the floor.Kennedy following suit.

"Can you continue the story you were telling us yesterday, Grandma." Kennedy asked Shelia.She smiled and nodded.

"Now, where were we in the story.........?" Shelia trailed off.Kayla quickly answered her grandmother's question.

"It was the day after Louis and Eleanor met at the concert." She said.Shelia laughed.

"Yes, the next day, Louis was still trying to debate if he should have called Eleanor or not........"


*Louis's POV*

"Dude, your stressing yourself.Just call her already." Niall said to me.I sighed.What if she doesn't answer?

"What if she really doesn't wanna talk to me right now? What if she's in the middle of a class or something? What if-" Liam cut me off.

"Stop filling your head with "What if's ",  just go for it, Lou." He told me. I looked down at the floor.

"Okay, I'm gonna call now." I said walking into another room.I quickly dialed her number and waiting for Eleanor to answer.

"Hello?" She answered.I smiled.She answered!

"Um, Eleanor?" I asked making sure I was talking to her.

"Yeah, Louis?" She said."Is this you?"

"Yeah, it's me." I paused."I just wanted to see w you were doing, you know, start up a conversation." I said.I mentally slapped myself.YOU SOUND STUPID, LOUIS!!!

"Louis, are you still there?" Eleanor's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm still listening." I said."Um, are you free today, Eleanor?"

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

I took a deep breath."Cause I was wondering if you would like to hang out today?"

I heard her paused."Um, okay.Where are you guys?"

"A well right now I'm in a hotel on Ellington street." I paused.She laughed.

"That's right down the street from my university! Were so close to each other!!" She said happily.

I laughed."yeah, so is that an "Yes" ?" I asked her.She laughed again.

"Yes, I would love to hang out with you, Louis." She said.My heart and stomach flipped as soon as she said those words.

"Really, thanks! " I said.She laughed."Well, I'll see you when you get here."

"Okay, I'll call you when I'm at the hotel." She said.

"Yeah, okay." I said.

"Okay, bye Louis." She said before hanging up.

"Bye....." I trailed off.I quickly skipped to where the rest of the lads were sitting.

"Someone's happy...." Zayn said laughing.I laughed also.

"I just talked to Eleanor, " I paused smiling.Liam snickered."She said she wanted to hang out with me! She'll be here in a about an hour."

"Wait, you said she'll be here in a hour?" Harry said.I slowly nodded my head at him."Well, aren't you gonna get ready?"

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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