32. Vampires and Captors

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  Clumsy hands clutch at my arms, yanking me off the floor. Two different sets of fingers digging into me through my sweatshirt, pressing into my already bruised skin. I scream, but the gag in my mouth swallows my desperate cries for help. My heart pounds in my chest, my mind blanking over with fear as I thrash against their violent grip.

  I twist, trying to catch a glimpse of my captors, but they still me in their harsh embrace. I don't know where these people came from, appearing out of nowhere at a snap of a finger. The lady stands at me feet, her lips twisting up with amusement as she watches my attempts.

  Leo stands by her side, watching everything with a completely emotionless face. I catch his eye, silently pleading that he will do something. To stop whatever is about to happen. He stares back, a slow smirk spreading across his lips.

  My heart drops, my eyes widening in disbelief as any hope I was clinging to is ripped away. Why is he doing this?

  "Bring her to the alter," the woman demands, turning away from me and walking down the aisle. "You know what to do with her," she calls back with a wave of her hand.

  "Absolutely," Leo answers, following my every movement with his steady eyes.

  I dig my heels in, ignoring the shooting pain in my legs as I struggle to fight against the forceful hands. We pass row after row of pews, leading to the head of the church. Dread fills me with each passing moment, my mind buzzing with panic. Wherever they are bringing me, I know this can't be good.

   I whip my body back and forth, shifting my weight around in attempts to dislodge myself. Savage, unrecognizable sounds escape my throat as I use whatever strength I can muster. I even manage to make contact with one of them, but it doesn't even earn me a grunt in response. They seem to take no notice to my antics, dragging me across the polished floor with ease.

  What is with these guys!

  A curse escapes me as a staggering pain shoots through my lower back, making my already tired legs weak. The blunt edge stabbing into my skin with such an unexpected force, it momentarily dazes me. I collapse into the rough hands, the fight knocked out of me. My handlers do not hesitate, not caring as another cry rips from me as the proceed to drag my body against the biting edge.

  I sigh with relief as I finally come to a halt on top of a hard surface. My head falling back on it with a loud thump, making me cringe and curse once more. My bruised flesh screams with discomfort, a constant reminder of the ordeal I am in.

  I flinch away as I finally get a brief glimpse of one of my captors. Wrinkles decorate his aged skin, showing evidence of his years of laughter. He looks lost now however, his former self forgotten. His large, pale head looms above me, looking down upon my face with an empty expression. His usual shining gray eyes now clouded and unfocused. The friendly smile banished from his thin, pink lips that now sit limply, slightly parted.

  Pastor Habel?

  I scream against the cloth in my mouth, begging him to help me. Pleading for him to understand my distorted words. He doesn't even blink at my distress. Without a sign of remorse, he steps away, leaving my sight.

  Tears well in my eyes, threatening to spill over with despair. What is he doing here? Why is he doing this to me?

  "Off with you!" Leo bellows as he steps into my view, waiving his arm dismissively at the priest and his unseen accomplice.

  My heart sinks at the thought of being left alone with this man, this person who betrayed me. I cry out, desperate for the priest to come back for me. I twist my head, arching my body as I try to contort myself into allowing me to see where they walked off to. They are gone, any chance of pleading with them for help disappearing with them.

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