Chapter 4

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"Up! Up!" Something landed on my stomach and I gasped as the air left my lungs. Cracking open one eye I laughed to see Nevada jumping on me. "Hey bud. What's up?" I asked and he smiled happily. "I want food!" He demanded smacking my chest. "Okay baby, whatever you want." I replied then picked him up in my arms. Upon arriving downstairs, both Ollie and Luke rushed over to us. "Nevada! Thank god! Where did you find him?" Ollie gasped out. "What are you talking about? He slept with me all night." I responded puzzled by their reaction. "He snuck out of his room last night and we've been looking for him." Luke explained and I nodded in understanding. After passing Nevada over to his parents, I made my way to the pack kitchen to make myself some breakfast. While I was buttering my toast I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Turning around I mentally groaned at the sight of Tiffany. Tiffany is 16 and has been trying to catch my attention ever since she was little. She thinks we are mates and unfortunately she missed Nevada's turning and claiming of me. "Hey Tiffany. Can I do something for you?" I asked politely but hoping she would leave. "Ohh Josh~ I was just wondering if you could help me move a self in my room?" She winked suggestively and I barely held back a shudder. Just as I was about to respond I felt something hit my leg. Looking down I was happy to see Nevada clinging to my leg. I picked him up and looked back over at Tiffany. "Sure but this little guy comes too." I smirked as her smile slipped slightly. "Well I was kinda hoping that it would just be you." She purred and patted my arm. Nevada slapped her arm and growled. I held back a laugh at the look on her face. "Mine!!" He growled and hugged me possessively peppering my face with baby kisses. She stepped back again. "Sorry Tiffany looks like my mate doesn't like you and I'd rather hang with him to be honest. She huffed and I chuckled as I left the room Nevada in my arms. I couldn't wait to see how he turned out as he grew up.

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