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I laughed at Harry's sad attempt to show me a card trick. Even though I wasn't even in the same room, he still managed to fail miserably.

"Wait, I think I got it this time." He laughed, it echoing through my phone. I sat down cross legged and watched him attempt it again, but then he realised he counted it wrong.

"Are you going to give up now?" I rose an eyebrow, looking at him through the screen as he pouted his lip and folded his arms across his chest like a little kid.

"Yes, because even my girl doesn't think I'm good enough."

"Hey, I didn't say that." I defended, bringing my drink up to my lips. "You just need more practise."

He nodded his head, wincing as he tried to adjust his sitting position. I frowned watching his struggle in pain alone. Anne had gone to work about an hour ago, which meant Harry was alone while Rob drove Gemma back to University. "Harry, how are you feeling?" I cooed, feeling bad for him every second. He groaned, taking a long sigh and closing his eyes.

"Would be better if I wasn't alone." He opened his eyes. "Better yet, if you were here."

Surely my mum would understand, she wouldn't want something to happen to him whilst he was alone. What if he passed out or there was a serious undetected trauma to his organ that could kill him.

"I have to go," I commented as Harry continued to look at me.

"Oh...yeah sure." He said sadly, looking down at the bed and closing his eyes again.

"Talk to you soon yeah?"


I could obviously tell he was disappointed that I was leaving, so I hoped my mum would let me go over to his house and keep him company. Her only problem might be because it was getting dark.

"Mum!" I called out in the middle of the hallway.

"In the office!" She replied back. I walked into the room where she sat at one of the desks, flipping through the pages of her accountant files. "Remind me again why I decided to be an accountant."

"Because you were good at it and you loved it."

"Loved being the key word." She sighed, taking her glasses off and finally turning to look at me. I took a deep breath and gave her my most innocent smile, walking towards her and wrapping my arms around her neck.

"May I please go keep Harry company until Anne comes home?" I begged, squishing my cheek against hers.

"Hun, it's getting a bit late."

"I know mum. But after what happened to him just 2 days ago, do you really think he should be alone? What if something bad happens to him?" I defended my case. She sighed and I knew I was getting through to her.

"I don't know Lana, I'm not sure how your dad would feel."

"We both know how dad would feel." I replied. "But I'm really worried about him and I care more about his health than getting into trouble with dad."

She sighed once again before nodding her head. "Alright off you go. Bring him those grain waves he loves so much, and tell him I hope he gets well soon."

Just A Classmate [H.S] Where stories live. Discover now