Telling Elijah

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After Gia found out she was pregnant she was just hoping that Elijah would just hear the babies heartbeat so she didn't have to tell him. Gia is on her way home to Elijah Marcel walked up to Gia
Gia turns around and smiles at her ex they are just friends now
Gia-Marcel hi
Marcel-Do you want to help me with something
Gia-I'm on my way home
Marcel-I know your pregnant I just need a spy for the witches
Gia-No just because you know I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'll help you I'm on my way home to tell Elijah
Marcel-Why are you walking then
Gia-Good for the legs
Marcel-Gia please you need to do this for me
Gia-I don't have to do anything
Marcel-You broke up with me for Elijah
Gia-Whatever Marcel
Gia then vamps away

Alex is in her room sitting on her bed drawing when Klaus knocked on the door.

Klaus walks in the room and sits down on the bed in fort of his daughter
Alex-Hi dad what's up
Klaus-Nothing sweetheart is there something on your mind
Alex-I want to be sure before I tell you
Klaus-Are you in trouble
Alex-No I'm not trust me if I was you would be the first to know

Lila had just got out of the car she has been crying she has been trying to hide from the boss because he already killed her boyfriend. Right in front of her and Alex wants nothing to do with her there was only one person that could help her and that was her mother Angelika.
Angelika-So you need my help
Lila-I do Alexandra won't talk to me she hates me
Angelika-I know she hates me to for keeping her away from her father for so many years
Lila-I don't want to die mum
Angelika-You are not going to die my baby girl
Lila-How he is after me
Angelika-Because we are going to give him what he wants
Lila-Mum if you do then she will hate us more
Angelika-Do you want to live
Lila-Okay when do we give him Alex then

Gia had just got home Elijah was in the kitchen cooking when Gia walked in the room.
Gia-That looks delicious
Elijah smiled at his girlfriend
Gia-I have to tell you something that is impossible
Elijah looked at her confused and he was hoping that everything was okay.
Elijah-What is it
Gia-I'm pregnant
Elijah looked at her he then listened really close and he hard a heartbeat coming from her belly he then smiled. He has always wanted a child and now he's girlfriend who he loves more then anything is pregnant with his baby Elijah walks over to her and picks her up Gia puts her legs around his waist Elijah kisses Gia with passion.
Gia-I love you
Elijah-I love you Gia

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