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Riley pov:
   James and I were going on a little adventure to London, England. He was planning to show me all the famous landmarks that I'd only briefly seen when I'd flown out to see him. Of course other things were on my mind back then, so I didn't take in the beauty of the city, and now I had a second chance to experience what London had to offer.

    It was 4:45 am and we had just landed from our 8 hour flight. We were exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open.

   James and I staggered off the plane and collected our bags. We managed to find a taxi to take us to our hotel. At this point we just wanted to sleep; I had tried to sleep on the plane but I felt a bit travel sick and James was snoring like a camel. Typical.

    The taxi dropped us off and we checked in with the Lady at the check in desk.

  "Oh my gosh I love your accents!" She exclaimed."Are you from America?"

"Canada." I replied. "Thanks."

     We dragged our heavy suitcases onto the lift, down the hall and into our room.

    We collapsed onto our double bed, exhausted. It was 5:30 am and we just needed to get to sleep. We decided to not get into nightwear, in all honesty we couldn't work our enough limbs to get changed. We climbed under the sheets and fell asleep in each other's arms.

     We awoke at 11am.

  "Crap." James shouted."We missed breakfast!"

   "Don't worry, James." I told him. " We can go get brunch somewhere out, I'll pay."

   "You sure?" He asked. I nodded." Ok then, let's get dressed and we can head out."

   I clambered out of bed just as James started to strip. I could never get used to how hot he was.

  "Hey, stop looking!"he laughed.

     After slapping some makeup on my face to make myself look sort of presentable and putting on some jeans, a t-shirt and a coat(of course it was raining, what else did we expect from England?), we ventured out into the cold midday air.

    James held my hand as we walked along. He spotted the Thames and made sure I knew, too. He did the same with every landmark he came to, including Big Ben; The Houses Of Parliment and The London Eye. He was so excited to be back in London, and I was so happy to join him this time and I actually felt like I was welcome.

     We walked over to the barrier over looking the Thames River and stood next to eachother, leant against the metal safety pole.

James pov:
    "So Riley." I said." As we all know you're amazing at accents, let's hear your best British one."

   Riley punched me on the arm, playfully.  I guess she picked up on my sarcastic tone of voice.

   "Sorry Ri. Well go on then, let's hear this British accent!"

     "Hello, dear chum, would you like a cup of tea and a crumpet?" She said in an accent that only sounded vaguely British. People started to stare in our direction, some looking mildly offended at the failed impersonation.

   "Sounds more Australian to me with a hint of British" I laughed.

   "And you could do better?" She replied.

       I took her challenge

    "Good afternoon, welcome to London, England.  Would you like a cup of tea while you stand in this almighty que? " I said with my best British accent.

    Riley tried to keep a straight face but failed and burst into fits if laughter.

    "That was hilarious!" She spluttered."I still think I won though."

    "No way!" I replied.

      We both started to cry with laughter. I always had an amazing time james, and I was so happy we could experience this adventure together.

First one of the new book! Hope you guys liked it! Comment if you liked it and any ideas you may have for the new book.
Thankyou for your continued  support!
Jen xx


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