a different ending

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gerda pov :

Right now we  where on our way to the cursed lake to stop the curse of lake gao (srry i dont now how its called ). When we  finally got there i was about to touch the stone but rollan took it of its place ."What are you doing " i asked confused. "Wel i give you two options or you get your powers in the wishing stone and become my princess or you can stay having your powers and become my ice queen so we can rule the world togetter as ledgends " he said with his spanish accent. I was so confused and scared at the same time. " What do you mean what about your mother " i screamed tears forming in my eyes. "Moma is fine i lied about her simply to win your trust. So wat is it gonna be my princess with or without powers " he said a smirk forming on his face. At that moment i became teriffied .

rollan pov :

She was gaping at me like a dying fish with tears in her eyes. She didn' t know what to decide so i decided for her. I trew the wishing stone on the ground and pinned her to the wall. I was allways stronger than her fire could melt ice but ice could never stop fire. " You dont know what your doing rollan please maybe there is another way " she started crying by then.  " There is no other way gerda even you know that " i said annoyed. I then made chains out of fire and bount her to the wall. " il come back to claim you as my ice queen once ive taken over the world " i said with an evil smirk. Only thirty minutes left and then i would become rollan the ledgend . 

gerda pov : 

I saw him walking away i had to do something or else  i was gonna turn into the ice queen. After a few minutes i was about to give up struggeling .Nothing worked not even my powers could break the chains. Then the little ice girl i made when i just got my powers appeared before me. She spread some kind of ice dust and the chains disapeared. I ran after rollan, i knew for sure that he would aready be by the bridge. I had only ten minutes left and hoped i would make it .

rollan pov :

I was walking on the bridge when the guards got infrond of me. " Stop right there " they told me but i just stepped forward while they stepped back. " They call me ell rollan im a ledgends in these parts " and when i was about to burn the guards weapons i heard something familiar. "Stop rollan please " i turned around and saw gerda before me still looking beautiful as allways. "How did you escape " i asked suprised, but the only answer i got was her extanding her hands and turning them in ice. I got my hands on fire and we stepped closer and closer untill there was only a few feed between us. I then feld the power flooding in me " looks like your to late to-". But before i could end my sentence her lips where on mine. Without thinking i kissed back and at that moment i realised  i didnt need powers to be a ledgend i just wanted love. 

gerda pov:

I only feld warmth when he kissed back. It was like  thousand's of fireworks got of in my tummy. I finally feld happy .He was the first to pull back, and when i opened my eyes i realized that we didnt turn into the fire demon and the snow queen. He looked suprised as well then i feld some power draining. The snow queen and the fire demon left our bodies and to my suprise they were smiling not like an evil smile but a smile full of warmt . And i smiled back

rollan pov : 

I was suprised they both left our bodies. But i was still on fire. Then i saw gerda looking at me "im sorry that i betrayed you this power it was so overwelming and-". She didnt even let me finish my sentence or her lips where on mine again, and without hessitation i kissed back closing my eyes until a cough made us pull back. "What will happen now " the king asked us .Gerda directly spoke " we wil protect the city however we can ". The king looked at my direction " i wil give you my trust again " he said to me, and i feld happines i knew my dream would finally come true. I was finally a ledgend a very happy one . 


 I wrote this when i was only 13 and now im fifteen so ive updated the story a bit im stil sorry for my grammer though 

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