They Have That One Thing-1D fanfic:)

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Part one.

*mickaella's pov*

I was woken by the sound of my phone ringing. The popular song almost everyone had heard of 'one thing'

"Hello..." I answered with my really sleepy voice.

"HI MICKAELLA!" Georgia screamed.

She was always so hyper! Getting worried.

"Hi george. How come your calling so early?"

"MICKAELLA! ITS 6am! NOT EARLY!" She said screaming into the phone.

"Georgia, you really need to calm down abit."

"Ok. I've got to go anyway. SEE YA!"

"Bye george"

I opened my eyes more and looked at my one direction posters.

"Wish I could meet them." I whispered.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep agin.

A few hours later, I woke up and checked twitter.

Loadssss of people were talking about a 1D book signing they were doing a few miles from where I lived.

I tweeted saying: 1D are doing a book signing?

I got a tweet straight away off my bestfriend saying: yes! They're coming next week!:D

Wow! Had to tell becky and georgia. They love them!

That's part one done. Its crap, I know. But its my first fanfic, so hey ho.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2012 ⏰

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