Baby Messyourself

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It's almost the due date for my little baby girl and me and Stacie already married. *1 week later* I wake up. "BRANDON MY WATER BROKE!!!"Stacie yells I get up and hurry down stairs.I grad Stacie and sit her in the car and jump in the drivers seat. I speed to the hospital and get Stacie in there. *A few hours later* Me and Stace (Stacie) are waiting in the waiting area. It's been 3 hours since the delivery. Me and Stace decided on a name Trinity Rae Temezfield it's music to my ears. The doctor calls us back set the name and stuff. *1 week later* Me and Stace get to bring Trinity home today. We got the room adjusted and decorated all in pink. Trinity makes noises in the back seat,It brings tears of joy.

Hi guys I think it would be a good idea to just make another book so it's going to be call a messyourself family is formed 2.:)

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