8. Amnesia and Movies

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((Hey!!! First off, I got #909 for werewolf stories and this story has only been up for, like, less than a month! secondly, If you like my story, then you should check out my BFF (DawnScribe). Her story, Autumn Ever-Dawn, is kinda morbid, but i LOVE it and is in my Favorite section of books on my reading lists! Check it out!))

{Sara's POV}

I had amnesia. No. I couldn't. I mean. I would probably remember meeting my mate. I hadn't. Had I? Maybe it was that guy with me earlier.

"Doc?" I whispered.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Was it my mate who was here earlier?" I asked. He nodded.

"Who is he?" I asked eagerly.

"Alpha of Midnight Pack, Jake Ice." He replied. I felt my heart plummet at that.

"What?" I croaked. He couldn't be my mate. He was the one who bullied me the most.

"Jake is your mate." He said again.

"C-Can I see him?"

"He's been waiting for you to ask that. JAKE!" He said then called. A guy came bursting in.

"Doc. Where's Jake?" I asked. The doc pointed to the man. He looked nothing like Jake. This man was older, and he actually looked like he cared about me.

"That's not Jake Doc! This man is older, and looks kinder." I said. The man flinched. He came closer to me warily.

"Sara?" He asked. I nodded.

"That's me!" I giggled. He took my hand and sparks shot through my body.

"It's me. Jake. Hun. Don't you remember me?" He asked.

"No. I only know two Jakes. One in My pack, he's nice, and then the mean one who abused me from midnight." He flinched.

"I-I'm from midnight, and I'm really sorry I ever abused you." He said, and I flinched back away from him.

"What did I ever do to you?" I whispered softly. I knew he heard, because werewolf hearing.

"Nothing. And if I could, I would take back everything. The beatings. I already took back my rejection-" I cut him off.

"Y-you rejected me?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I did, but I took it back. I meant it. I, Jake Ice, accept Sara Fox as my mate." He said. I looked at him. Why. Why did he do that. I don't know why he rejected me.

"I accept you too, but why did you reject me?" I asked. He smiled when I said I accept, but frowned when I asked why.

"I-I thought you wouldn't be a good Luna, but I now know you would've been perfect. Can you forgive me?" He asked. I nodded. He looked relieved. He bent down to kiss me, but I turned my head last second.

"Why?" He said confused.

"I said I forgive and accept you. I still want to get to know you." I explained.


"NICK!" I screeched when I entered the pack house, with Jake's arm around my waist.

"WHAT?!?" Nick screamed.

"GET DOWN HERE! I WANT FOOD!" I yelled back to him. I heard him laugh and I grinned. I pulled on Jake's hand and headed towards the couch.

"Come on! I wanna watch a movie!" I whined and stuck my lower lip out.

"Fine! But NO Disney!" Jake said. I giggled.

"Too Late!" I said as I put in Pocahontas. He groaned and I laughed.

"Stop being a baby and man up!" I told him.


((Sorry it's so short! But if DawnScribe's story gets over 100 reads, then i will make my next chapter EXTRA LONG!!!!))

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