Kidnapping, Tears and Pain

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Funny thing at end of chapter!!
(Previously on Back In Time)

"Kashi did a forbidden jutsu that you created."
"You had to physically kill the person you were using the jutsu on."
"When you want to wake the person up, you have to heal all their injuries, including the one that the caster inflicted. If this is not done before they wake up, the subject will not survive."
"If all injuries are not healed before the five days are up, the jutsu will fade and he will die."
Minato proceeded to tell Obito the story of the white fang...

(Now on Back In Time)

The next morning, everyone woke up as the sun's morning rays hit the clearing.

After everyone had a quick breakfast of ration bars, they all gathered together in the middle of the clearing to go over the mission.

"Obito, Kakashi, Rin. You three have to get to the bridge, set the bombs, and get out. Try to stop as little as possible, we need to get this done quick, and fast." Stated a semi-nervous Minato. "You three," he said pointing at the time travellers, "will go with them. But stay out of sight, only intervene if necessary."

"Hai!" Stated team Kashi.

"Alright, and as for me, I'll go to the battle field to keep most of the enemies away from you guys." (A/n. HELP!! I can't remember why he went!!!!)

Minato looked at his students. "Kakashi, you are the leader. And as the leader, you have to keep the others safe, okay?"

Kakashi seemed to be deep in thought for a second before scoffing and turning away. "Tch, whatever..." He said.

Minato sighed and shook his head.

"Alright, move out!"


Kashi looked at his students. "Kura, Suke, let's go. And stick to the trees!!" (A/n see what I did there? Tehe! It has like, three different meanings!!!)


And with that, they were off.

*~{!Time skip!}~*

Kashi POV:

It was time.

The ninja would be here soon.

I had discussed what to do with the others, we came up with the perfect plan. It was dangerous, but possible.

Obito, Rin and my younger self were all in the clearing taking a small break.

I sighed and jumped down from my hiding spot and walked over to Rin. She looked over at me as I approached, I stopped when I was about a foot away. I nodded my head to the edge of the clearing, and I lead her off to the side.

Obito POV:

I wondered where they were going. And after thinking for a minute about why Kashi would want to talk to her, I looked at Kakashi to ask him if he had any ideas.

Right when I was about to ask him my question, I heard a twig snap in the direction Rin and Kashi went. I quickly looked over there just in case it was an enemy only to find it was just Rin.

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