Sophmore Year. Entry #1 2-23-14

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My eyes slowly blink open from a blissful dream. I grumble, "What day is it..? Ohh yeah.. Monday..." And I shut my eyes again.

I dream a new dream. I'm a kid. And I'm following a boy with blond hair in a field of wheat. He calls me by my nickname, "Hey, Sharpie!!" I go to him and ask, "Wait a minute... Am I still missing? Crap!"

I wake up again, as I hear my mother yell out to me, " It's 6:30!!" I groan. Crap. I gotta hurry up up and get dressed. I fed the cat. Who, surprisingly, didn't attack my face at 5:40am today. It's his routine.

I limp downstairs, thanks to my ankle injury, and get on my walker at go to the kitchen. It's a mini madhouse in there. My mom has two travel cups of coffee, a binder, keys, and lunch bag. Which is useless. She never eats lunch.

I decide to stay out of her way until she leaves, and I eat breakfast, and go to school.

And, like every morning, I go by the elevator, on my scooter. I own a scooter because I can't walk. Why can't I walk? Long story short, I had an ankle surgery that is a years worth of recovery!

I sit down on my scooter, and play my music on my speaker headphones. Chilling out, with most of my friends. The normal morning group contains the Freshmen Sheridan, Kate, and sometimes Molly and Sydney. The Senior Danielle. And the Junior and the one guy I've ever been in love with, David. And then there's RJ.

RJ. He's one of those friends, when you say their name, and you shake your head and laugh. Every morning, we're all convinced that he's either high on oxygen, or life. He's always laughing, ALWAYS LAUGHING, and usually has something really weird on his mind, or his phone. Today, it was band pick-up lines. Such as, "Let's go in the band room and practice our tonguing!" Or, "Are you French horn-y for my Trombone-r?"

Every morning, he 'breaks' me. That's where I get to the point of no returning to sanity. Oh RJ. There's so much to say about that kid. He, like me, is a Sophomore.

Riiiiiiing! Goes the new, way-to-soft bell. "I hate the new bell!" You would hear, from any student or teacher, EVERYTIME it rang.

I only have 4, sometimes 5 interesting classes to include in my journals.

1st Hour Earth Science featuring RJ.

3rd Hour Study hall featuring RJ again.

6th Hour lunch, featuring David, Danielle, and others.

7/8 Hour Concert Band featuring David, RJ, Danielle, Sheridan, and other band geeks.

Lastly, 10th Hour Not-So-Silent Study Hall. Featuring Sydney.

Honestly, today, wasn't to exciting. David, who nonstop worries about me, gave me an Oreo for lunch, for the past few school days, when I had no lunch, he'd give me his chips, and cookies. Even when I insist him not to! I love how much he cares.

Everytime, before band, and during lunch hour, I watch him, and another band-kid, Luis, play the piano. They are self taught. My natural attraction to David, makes me watch his hands roam across the keys more. There's many notes, chords, and songs he knows. And he's willing to learn more. And for you band geeks wondering, yes.. He is a percussionist. Call me crazy for falling in love with one!

When band actually starts, and since I'm crippled, Danielle gets my instrument. Well, I can't get it myself! It's to big of an instrument for a cripple like myself to get! No, it's not a Tuba or a Trombone. It's a String Bass! Pretty neat! I'm the only one who plays it.

Band is band as usual. Today is viewing new music. So going over new terms, and weird markings make up the class time, and I have to go.

"See ya later!!" We call out to eachother, going to our classes.

In 9th hour English, only one interesting thing; my teacher got me a book I needed for class! I'm not sure how he knew I was unable to get one, but it was sure generous!

After school, I talked to a crush named Mac. I haven't introduced him yet, but that's for a different entry. (Maybe the next one, *hint hint*)

Afterwards, I had physical therapy, and dinner. I know, not extremely interesting. But this is only the beginning. As soon as my schedule, and all of my friends are introduced, this journal will be more funny. I promise!!

See you all soon, and don't forget to give me feedback!

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