third year ➤i swear that i'm innocent

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Hey guys once again I own no
characters, plot or dialogue except for the ones I make up:) thanks and enjoy my chapter of His Chosen Girl
Your P.O.V

     I walk up the stairs slowly and cautiously getting more so each step closer I get to that large oak door. Once I reach the top, I raise my fist to knock but before I can it opens on itself. I jump back slightly. You would think that this being my third year at a school of magic, I'd be used to stuff like this but, you'd be wrong. I peer into the headmaster's large office only to see three sets of eyes peering back at me. The three eyes were easy to identify. Snape, Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic. (Less easy to identify that one)

"Ah, Miss Riddle come in," Dumbledore says in his usual gleeful voice which should calm me but fails to do so when I see the minister shudder ever so slightly when Dumbledore says my surname.

"Are you sure?" I ask almost pleading. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Not at all. I was hoping we could have a little chat," Dumbledore says gesturing to the chair nearest him.

I walk over and sit down. I look from Dumbledore to the minister to Snape and back again before clearing my throat lightly and speaking, "So I had originally come here to talk about Buckbeak, you see I just don't think it's fair for him to have to... well you know," i drag a finger across my neck hoping they get the point when the minister himself cuts me off.

"Actually I was hoping we could take the time to talk about your parents," he says hardly meeting me eye.

"Um, sure... yes, er, why?" I ask unsteadily.

"Miss Riddle, as you know I have been on mail patrol the past week and I've noticed some suspicious activity on your part," Snape says with a twisted grin.

"Can you elaborate on that Professor?" I ask although I know exactly what he's talking about.

The minister drops down my latest letter. The last letter I wrote to my mother, she never got it. She doesn't know that I know that she's my mother.

"Miss Riddle writing to Azkaban is highly illegal. Not just for you for any wizard in our world. We don't know how she's been doing it but we can assure you that she's going to get more time for it. As for you-"

"Wait. You mean she's going to get more time in Azkaban because of me?"

"Well, technically yes. But we have more important issues," the minister continues.

"Yeah, no. Um I'm sorry Mr... Minister but um I can't live with that kind of guilt I mean I don't care who she is but she can't be in prison for longer because of me," I say.

"Miss Riddle, we're going to have to take you in for some questioning," the Minister says.

I look to Dumbledore for help but he remains still although I can see pity in his eyes.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, it's as I said what you did was highly illegal, you knew you were doing it and you knew it was illegal."

"Are you saying that I'm going to... be..." I stand up. They can't arrest me. I'm only thirteen that's, that's crazy. "You aren't going to arrest me, are you?"

HIS CHOSEN GIRL [MAJOR EDITING/REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now