Chapter 1

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You walked into Karasuno high school for the first time. You were instantly barrelled into by two boys, one of them was bald and yelling ferociously at what seemed like nothing. He had ripped his shirt off and was waving it around in the air. by the looks of it, he was a second year. You blushed and looked at the other boy. He was grinning like mad and jumping up and down. He had black hair that was swept back into spikes and a couple of blonde locks falling onto his forehead. He was actually very short, even shorter than you. (To be fair, you were quite tall for your age but were frequently surprised by it). The short boy noticed your presence and blushed, causing the other boy to notice, who in turn, blushed as well. "Sorry! We didn't mean to bump into you like that. We just got a bit excited, that's all." said the bald guy. He introduced himself as Tanaka Ryuunosuke. "And I'm Nishinoya Yuu. Pleased to meet you!" Tanaka grabbed hold of his arm and dragged him away. "See you around!" they both yelled while running to class. 

You walked into the building and made your way to the front office. The lady there greeted you and asked you to sit down. "Please wait, the principal will be with you shortly." You didn't have to wait long as the principal walked in and sat down. "(L/N) (F/N), yes?" You nodded in response. The teacher continued, "You are a transfer student from England, aren't you. Well, I hope you come to love this school and progress in your studies. Oh, and one more thing. Are you planning on joining any club activities?" 

You thought for a minute. You had played volleyball at your school in England, but you were afraid that if you started playing it again, you would be overwhelmed with memories. You made up your mind, hoping your decision would turn out for the better. You slowly nodded head, telling him of your plans. He nodded. "As you don't now the way around this school and would surely get lost on your own, I would like to introduce Kageyama Tobio, one of your fellow first years. He has volunteered to show you around. That will be all. You both are dismissed.

You walked out the door with Kageyama following behind you. You looked at him. He was taller than you by a couple of inches. he had an angular face shape, with jet black hair and navy blue eyes. He had toned arms and by the way he walked, you could tell he played a lot of sport. you wondered...."Do you play volleyball?" you blurted out. You turned red, hoping you didn't sound rude. After all you had only just met him. 

He looked taken aback, but swiftly recovered. He nodded and continued walking. The school bell rang. " I have to get to practice. See you tomorrow, (L/N)." he said in a blank tone. Kageyama waved as he walked off. You turned away and started walking home. He made you feel weird and you didn't like not knowing why. You went home and stared at the ceiling. you finished unpacking your bags while thinking what the girls volleyball club would be like. You lay on your bed and thought about Kageyama. "What an odd guy," you said to yourself. Slowly you fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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