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Chae Ryung left Hae Soo in the garden to get snacks for them.

"She said I love to study. So, in this place, I know how to read and write. When I was in Goryeo, I do not have time for that. All I know is to cook, embroidery, things that a woman should know. I am actually educated here."

It sounds nice to Hae Soo. But the thing is, she's really not from this place. She's illiterate in Goryeo and into this place. And what is golf? She doesn't even play in Goryeo. She do arts and crafts and household chores.

"Am I missing something?"

She thinks hard.

"Ah! I still don't know how to swim!"

"That's impossible. I thought you how to swim."

"Madam Hae"

"Hae Soo, I'm worried about you. How can I leave this world if you still can't remember who you are?"

"Leave this world? Why?"

"Hae Soo, I'm sick. And before I die, I want to help you to remember everything. You are like my own child."

"How are you going to help me?"

"I know a neuropsychologist. I heard everthing you've said. He might help you remember the things you have to remember in order for you to live in this place."

"How is he going to do that?"

"You said you're from Goryeo. That's a very long time ago Hae Soo. Goryeo is now Korea. Maybe if you remember your life in Goryeo, you will also remember the things you've done here. I can still teach you to read and write."

I will remember what happened in Goryeo? Why I am here? Is she really going to help me? Should I trust her?

"Trust me Hae Soo."

And Madam Hae left.

What if the reason I can't remember why I am drowning is because I really want to forget something? Maybe that's the reason why I am here. To forget everything. I can only remember some things about myself. But what happened around me? I really don't.

"Ms. Hae Soo, why don't you eat first? Everything takes time. And you have a lot of time here. Don't worry too much."

"I just don't know where to start Chae Ryung. I feel so useless."

"Because you are useless."

Hae Soo looked up from her seat and saw a petite woman who was about her age?

"What are you doing outside? It's better if you just stay in your room and do the usual stuffs you do."

Usual stuffs I do? Why does it feel like this girl doesn't like me? I am starting to hate her for no reason.

"If you don't want to see me, just say so. Or you better go the other way around."


Omo! Is that me?

"You! --"

"What is happening here Yeon Hwa?"

"Oppa! Uhm... nothing! I just saw Hae Soo and ask her how is she."

"That's not true." What? Really Hae Soo? I was just about to say it on my mind!

The man looked at her.

Chae Ryung whispered, "It's Sir Wang Wook. Your cousin's husband."

"Good afternoon Sir Wook. I'm just joking a while ago. Yeon Hwa is just asking how am I doing."

"Ah. Okay. You better get well soon."


Hae Soo smiled and left the siblings alone.


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