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Under the stars

Upon the furthest tree

We sat shaded from reality

The leaves hid the outside world 

leaving only me and all of you

With a desire to divulge

Taking a deep breath

I closed my eyes

Waiting for the fireflies

To appear from beneath

You hunched down over the puzzle

Confessing your feelings assorting my pice of puzzle

Muzzling my thoughts as I smiled into the distance

I wasn't wandering in circles instead anchored by you

Instead of an endless maze

or a deep wrenching pit with fiery blazes

I huddled upon you as you kissed my cheek leaving a trail of warmth

I twirled the curls at the nape of your neck

Letting the silky softness run through my fingers  

gripped and kissed everything you said there was to hate

I grasped your hand in the darkness

As if you were a lantern awakening me from my weakness

I held on ever so tight

afraid as if this was the last of you

If you were a trick of the light trying to bewilder me

Instead you whispered soothing words before I withdrew

As you gazed at me with a figuring linger

I peered under my eye lashes, afraid you would be gone before dinner

Your eyes glimmered as they met mine

 darkness and darkness met in the moment of time

orbs reflecting and directing all the sweetness of glorifying infatuation 

The wind fluttering fabricating this memory into ashes

This moments stay replaying in my head

On replay from the beginning till the end

Replaying the mistake

Thousand roads just leading to you 

- m a r g o


tag three people you really love to make their day

if you get tagged continue the cycle

 and tag another three people that you adore xx

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