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Salvation was short lived.

Hands gripped Penelope's like a chain, pulling her upward before her feet could completely slide off the platform. Her eyes widened in shock, but the sight didn't surprise her as much as it should have.

In fact, it was more irritating than anything.

"LET ME DIE, CHARA!" she ironically roared like a person who had the will to live as she shook violently in the smaller girl's grip. "LET GO!"

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Okay, so that question basically answered itself, but Chara held on tight, using whatever superwoman-esque strength she could muster to pull Penlope up, to keep them both from falling over. "STOP MOVING!"

"I just want to die," Penelope pleaded, her words hoarse and tortured. However, she did stop moving, offering Chara enough leverage to finally pull her over. The sophomore fell to the floor, panting and bewildered and ashamed and disappointed. All she could feel were feelings—especially since she had been here before.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she watched Penelope fall to her knees, sobbing violently.

"You weren't really going to do it, right?" Chara asked her, her voice shaking and desperate. "You weren't really going to kill yourself, right?" Penelope just sobbed harder. Chara cursed.

Here she was, just harmlessly delivering Penelope a stack of fresh hell that was physics homework. Granted, she hadn't even taken physics, but she was her personal slave. A personal slave that now had to rescue her from suicide attempts.

She did her best to consol the girl, but she needed consoling too! This was going to far—had gone too far. As she pulled the emotionally distraught girl into a hug, she knew that it was time to end this charade.

"I have to tell you something, Penelope," she said, rubbing her back in an effort to calm her, but she was beyond inconsolable at this point. Chara sighed, unsure if that would make ripping off the Band-Aid harder or easier. "But you're not going to like it."

Naturally, Chara had no idea how quickly everything had escalated, how irrelevant this heroic act would be. There would be no end.

Not without casualties. 

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now