86. You're A First Responder - Michael

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Part 4/4

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So next chapter is: Guys My Age Song Preference (time to get steamy) let me know if you want a 5sos boy in there or if you have any other famous male suggestions (first come first chosen)

Here by popular demand: the boys get arrested to visit you

Hey Y/N! Want to come play Fallout with the guys and I? We have fooooood

You were sipping on your morning coffee when the text came in. You chuckled as you read it on your screen. How cute, he thought you had free time.

I don't get off of shift until like 10

You sighed and couldn't help but laugh again and shake your head at how naive he could be when it came to schedules. Michael seemed to either have oodles of free time or absolutely none. So when he was free he tended to think that everyone else was and that's just not the case.

Sooooooo? Come over at like 10 then

You rolled your eyes. Did he not know that you needed time to decompress, shower, and catch up on your Netflix shows? Not to mention you had to get up in the morning so sleep was a must.

I have to be up at 6 in the morning

That text made you realize that you were actually running behind at the moment. You had probably ten minute left before you had to go and you weren't even dressed. You gulped down your coffee quickly, wincing a little at the bitter flavor, and then started sprinting up to your room. While running, you sent Michael a three character long text.


You quickly got dressed, threw your hair back, grabbed your keys, and ran out to your car. It was bound to be another fun day as a detective in the white collar crime unit.

- Michael's POV -

"She did NOT!" I shrieked and glanced down at my phone.

"She didn't what?" Ashton, who was laying to my left perked up a little and looked up from his own phone.

"Who's she? Are you cheating on me?" Luke sat up straight from my right with a sleepy pout.

"That would be like level 2 incest considering that I'm texting Y/N," I shuddered.

Calum just snored, in the flurry of trying to all fit on my bed after the band sleepover last night he had ended up draped horizontally across our feet. Unfortunately he was just a little bit too tall so his forehead was dangerously close to one edge, and his ankles dangled off the other.

"What's level one incest then?" Luke sighed, stretching his arms up and yawning like a cat.

"Parent," Ashton said as he swung his legs out from the side of the bed, "that's the worse one."

"Can you guys not talk about incest while I'm trying to sleep?" Calum grumbled and rolled over so that he was on his back.

"Hey Luke started it," I countered, putting up my hands and slowly crawling out from the comforter.

"Awww I'm sorry Cally," Luke fluttered his lashes and opened his arms.

Calum groaned and awkwardly rolled up to him. He wasn't really cuddled against Luke like I'm sure the blonde intended, it was more like laying across his lap looking at the ceiling.

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