Why is there a hula hoop in my living room?

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In the days after Emily's birthday, the friends had returned to the city - all of them going their separate ways before congregating at Molly's for a few drinks later on in the night. This is where Matt and Gabby formally announced that they would be renewing their marriage vows. Mainly because they wanted everyone they loved to be able to share their big day with them, in other words - this meant that Gabby wanted to have a wedding with Emily there. It had hurt Emily when she found about about the Casey/Dawson wedding, while living in a hospital facility, so finally being able to see her best friend get married made her happy on the inside and the outside.

One thing was for sure, Connor Rhodes wasn't impressed with the choice of birthday present that Emily had picked up for herself. She had bought a weighted hula hoop, telling him that she was using it to build up her core muscles. To this, Connor just shook his head. The first thing he had said to her, when he returned home the day she had bought it was 'Why is there a hula hoop in my living room?'. Even though Emily had promised him he could use it, he was still a little mad.

As Emily started her morning like usual, with her morning hula hoop. Connor just shook his head at her before reaching for her ringing phone, putting it on loud speaker for her to answer. "Halstead" Emily said, answering her phone as usual.

"Why do you sound out of breath? Are you having sex with Connor? I knew it!" Gabby's voice said through the phone - making the two room mates look at each other before laughing at how crazy that idea actually was.

"She's doing the fucking hula hoop again" Connor shouted, picking up his travel mug and pouring coffee into it.

"Now that's all cleared up, what's up?" Emily asked, just wanting to finished the last few minutes of her morning hula in peace.

"Are you coming to the firehouse today?"

"I wasn't planning to. Why?" Emily returned.

"Matt just told me that Severide's making an apple pie, so I was thinking. Why don't we go over wedding details while eating some pie?" Gabby asked, like it was the most natural thing in the world. With an okay, Emily dropped the hula hoop and ended the phone call before getting dressed and making her way towards the Firehouse. As she sat in her car, Emily thought back to her first day at Firehouse 51. Thinking about just how nervous she was about meeting her new crew, or firehouse family. It had scared her and to this day, she still thanked god for being sent to Firehouse 51 - and not some other random house. It was here, that Emily met her best friend. It was here, where Emily had spent hours and hours cooking for the crew of the house. And, it was here - where Emily had met her 'epic' love, as Garcia had called it.

After sitting in her car for an unbearable amount of time, she got out and walked into the firehouse. While the rest of Squad 3 sat playing cards, Severide was cooking. Gabby had told him that Emily was coming, so he had made it his mission to cook at his best in an effort to impress her. Matt watched as his friend did this, it saddened him to watch. At that moment, Matt saw Emily walk through the doors near the common room - so he grabbed her before Gabby could. "Can we have a chat?" He asked, Emily nodded as she was pulled into his office.

"What's up Matty boy?" Emily asked, bringing back Matt's old nickname.

"Severide's still in love with you" Matt told her "He's actually in the kitchen now, cooking so he can impress you. Em, if you still love him - and you want to be with him, please. Don't hurt him. You have both hurt each other so much, and it hurts us all to see you both in pain. I love you both, you're like family to me. But, I don't think either of you can take anymore. You can both either chose to be there for each other, or leave this for good" Matt told her, she nodded as he spoke. Once he had finished, Emily sat on his bed. Letting tears fall out of her eyes.

"What if I'm what's wrong?"

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked her.

"It doesn't matter what I do or what I choose I'm what's wrong. There's nothing I can do about it. If I'm not hurting myself, I'm hurting everyone around me. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm... I'm broken" Emily cried, in one move Matt sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. It was clear to him that she had been feeling like this for a while, and it made him want to cry with her.

"You're not broken, Em" Matt told her, he looked up towards his office and saw Gabby walking towards it. With one hand, Matt waved her in before passing over a crying Emily to her. Leaving the girls alone to talk and figure out what Emily was going to do.

Hey guys,

Just a small chapter,

I wanted you all to see just what Emily thinks about herself.

She knows that she has hurt people she cares about,

And she has no clue what to do.

What do you think she will do?

Comment and Vote.

Forever Chicago (Chicago Fire 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora