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 "Heyyyyyyyy Shizu-channnnn..."

 Shizuo entered the room in silence, glaring forward as he spotted the flea, his heart dropping. He wanted the flea dead, but it made him so sad to see him afraid for some reason... He didn't understand why, why these pitiful emotions sparked whenever he saw the flea like this. His. Flea. Someone had hurt his flea, and he couldn't stop them. That, that was what made him the angriest. That was what really pissed him off.

 "Hey flea." The monster replied quietly, taking a seat next to the hospital bed. He gazed at the raven-haired flea, whom sat up slightly, but continued to hide a bit. "H... Hi.." He muttered in a barely audible tone, scanning the blonde as if he was carrying a bomb or something. Shinra sighed, putting a gentle hand on the flea's shoulder before taking Celty's hand and leaving the two alone. (Thanks Shinra. XD.)

 There they were. Just the monster and the flea, expected to speak to each other or something... Shizuo kinda wanted to speak with the flea like they used to, which was more of a shout, but nonetheless, he missed it. He missed Izaya's cocky tone, his sly laughs. He missed it so much, it was almost unbearable. "How've you been...?" The monster questioned in a light-hearted, gentle tone, as though he was coaxing a crying child or something. The flea looked up quietly, taking a deep breath. "F-fine... I guess... My sisters have been calling a lot, which is annoying." That comment caused the monster to laugh. It was going to take a while for the flea to be himself, but, well... At least he was speaking, even if he was stuttering and tripping over his own words a bit.

 Meanwhile, Shinra and Celty stood outside the closed door, listening quietly. "I think they'll be alright.." Shinra smiled softly at his lover, whom typed quietly, //Well still. I dont like leaving Shizuo and Izaya alone like that.// Shinra sighed, rolling his eyes at her. "Shizuo wouldn't ever really hurt Izaya unless it was an accident, trust me, i've known them both for a long time." He said, taking her hand and leading her out of the hospital with a confident smile. "I'm sure it'll be just fine."

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