Chapter 15

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Stella's POV

I'm lying in bed and replaying what happened yesterday. Yesterday was amazing. I was over the moon. I was so excited today.

Number 1 because it was so Friday so the weekend was tomorrow

Number 2 It is Friday meaning I can wear my cheer uniform all day

Number 3 I get period 5 and 6 off to organise a routine

Number 4 The team was going to perform at the football game tonight

I get up and I hop into the shower. The dye had all gone from my hair. I washed my hair and my body. I got out of the shower and grabbed my cheer clothes and changed in the bathroom. I came out ant went to my vanity. I straightened my hair and put it into a high pony. I put some mascara on I made sure it was water proof. I put some lip gloss on and then I sprayed my romantic body mist by Victoria Secret Perfume. I put my Nike ankle white socks on

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I packed my Nike backpack with my books and my rose gold MacBook. I look at Matt he was still sleeping on my bed he must have been very tired. Crying really drains you out. I know from experience.

I kiss him lightly on the cheek and he stirs. He opens his eyes and sees me. "Wow you look hot he," says. "Thanks," I say while blushing.

"School is in 20 minutes," I say. "Shit," he says. He jumps out of the bed and runs to the shower. I smile at his cuteness.

I go downstairs. I eat some breakfast which consist of Oreos dipped in milk. I climb into my Ferrari I actually preferred driving this car over my Toyota. It had so much me POWER!!

I drove to school quickly and parked the car. I dumped my books in my locker and saw Sophie and Carmen. "Hey guys," I say. "Hey," said Carmen. "Hey Hon," said Sophie. "You look HOT!!!," Says Carmen.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to the beach tomorrow," I asked them. "YES," said Carmen "I really have to work on my tan". Sophie laughs. We both glare at her it wasn't our fault Sophie had naturally tanned skin. The bell rings for calls. "Catch you guys later," I yell.

I grab my books for my first class. I enter the class sitting in my usual sit in the back in the corner. Matt pulls the chair out and sits next to me. "Hey," he whispers. "Shh I say I'm trying to listen to the teacher," I say. He rolls his eyes. "So, Sunday Dylan is having a party are you coming," he asks. "Sure why not," I say shrugging. "Bring your friends to,". I nod. Suddenly Matt starts to tickle me. I shriek and scream and yell can you "STOP FREAKING TICKLING ME!!," The whole class looks. Great I mutter.

"STELLA - ROSE SKYE BROOKS AND MATTHEW YORK GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM I EXPECT TO SEE YOU IN DETENTION AT LUNCH TODAY," says the teacher. I quickly grabbed my books and run out of the classroom. "Thanks a lot a," I say to Matt. "Anytime babe," he says while winking at me. I cringe

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