It All Begins! Pt 3 (half)

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Wendy's POV (I'm planning to do everyones POV eventually :p)

Mira and Laxus started discussing something but it wasn't audible to Romeo and I. The joys of being short -_-...

It was quite awkward between Romeo and I as the two mages kept whispering to each other until, Mira finally faced us with a grin on her face. 

"Okay, children. We've decided to let you decide on what we should do." She grinned an enthusiastic grin at us which almost seemed psychotic. Laxus grunted. "You sound like the old geezer when you said 'okay children'" Mira pouted at him. "Well, what else should I address them as?" She stared into his eyes as if waiting for an answer.

Laxus shrugged, unaffected by her stare. "Uh, maybe their names??" They started silently glaring each other. I popped up in between them and pushed them away from each other with both my arms, as I knew what was gonna happen if this continued. "Mira, Laxus... please lets just enjoy the time we're gonna spend together and NOT spend that time arguing" I pleaded with a hint of sternness in my eyes.

Laxus folded his arms across his chest and his expression eased. Mira pouted and whispered something which I managed to catch, Laxus too,  since Dragon Slayers have excellent hearing. The only one who didn't hear it was Romeo so he had no idea what was going on.(Poor Romeo XD) 

"He started it..." She whispered. He gained a half shocked half glaring expression. "Really?! REALLY?!" She stuck her tongue out at him before turning away from him as if the situation never happened. Romeo gazed at the three of us, obviously confused but he seemed relieved when Mira announced we should be moving on

 "So guys. Pick what you wanna do." She smiled and leaned down to our height. "But make sure you pick quickly. No pressure or anything, but we don't have all day." Her smile seemed a little more threatening. Laxus coughed "Technically, we do have all day. It's only 11 am" He grinned as he pointed at a nearby clock. 

Mira's face turned bright red in embarrassment. "That's not what I meant, you idiot!" Mira screeched as she punched his chest. (XD I feel like Miraxus is gonna be Gale 2.0) Laxus just chuckled and watched her as he appeared unaffected. Romeo and I just gazed at them.

I sighed as they started arguing yet again. Its a rare sight to see someone stand up to Mira, a.k.a the scariest demon ever. Its rather amazing to see someone bite back at her. I've heard stories of when Mirajane and Erza were younger. It's rather frightening to even hear it. Lets just say... if they teamed up... Fiore would probably explode. 

Suddenly, I felt a rough yet warm hand intertwine it's fingers with mine. "R-Romeo??" I asked in surprise. I could feel my face start to heat up.

He grinned with a light pink tinting his cheeks. "Lets just go without them. It's only been about half an hour since we stepped out of the house. Since then, they've had seven arguments so far." He rolled his eyes. "And they think we're the kids..."

I sighed, as I knew his statement was true. I don't want to be mean or anything... but its ridiculous how much they fight. "But what are we supposed to do? We can only stand aside and hope the fighting simmers down." I sighed again as I glanced at the two of them still fighting.

He gained a mischievous grin. I looked worriedly at him. "Romeo..." Was all I managed to utter out. His grin only widened. I felt my cheeks burn as he leaned down a little and whispered in my ear. "How 'bout we ditch 'em?" My eyes widened. "W-we can't. What if they start worrying about us?" I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

He sighed. "Fine. If you prefer to stay with the whiny ones, go ahead. But I'm gonna head off." He placed his hands behind his head and started slowly walking off. 

I really didn't want to hear those two arguing all day. I didn't mean to be a bit salty! To be honest, I would rather go explore with Romeo than stick with Satan and Salty Crackers over there. 

I glanced anxiously between Romeo and the two mages; they were still fighting and Romeo was still in sight. I clenched my fist as I made a decision. 

"Romeo, wait! I'll come with you!" I called out loud enough for him to hear. He stopped walking and faced me with a wide grin. He walked the few steps in between us to reach for my hand again. "Excellent choice." He grinned.

I blushed as he reached out his hand for me to reach. I glanced behind me, Mira and Laxus were still clashing. Jeez... you would think they would get tired by now.

It didn't matter now, all that matters is the day I'm about to spend with Romeo...



Waaaaah I'm sorry it's such a short chapter T^T 

My internet's being crappy AND what makes is worse is that I'm starting to feel pain in my right hip. It hurts when I walk and sometimes when I breathe deeply too T^T. I can't even sit down for too long coz it's gonna start making me feel uncomfortable.

But... I didn't wanna leave you guys waiting for the next chapter, especially since it's been a while since the last one. 

I'm going to start writing the other half of the chapter when I start to feel a bit better. 

I hope I didn't disappoint you too much T^T

Oh! And another thing... I was thinking of adding my OC's into the story. I don't plan to give them a lot of parts. But what I was thinking was that I could make the OC's the rivals.

Each ship would have one rival. Someone who stands in their way of being together. Just to spice up the drama a little bit :P 

Should I do it?

I'll have to think about it... but you guys can help me decide by commenting if I should add them or not ;)

If you have another idea I could use, feel free to let me know :D

That's all for now

Thank you all so much for following the development of LG!


~Queen Devil Out~

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