Chapter 18

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Aha I had fun writing this chapter :P Enjoy! AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE. PLEASE.



Chapter 18

            The warmth against my neck left as suddenly as it had come. "You want to play tag?" the melodic voice floated around the room, seemingly coming from every different direction, swirling around me. "Or hide-and-seek? Or, I know, let's play Marco Polo. I'll start: Marco!"

            Silence settled in the room like a heavy fog. It was suffocating, because I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Did he expect me to answer him? Hell, I was still trying to figure out how to breathe.

            "C'mon, Cupcake," he soothed. "It isn't that hard. All you have to do is say," his voice died down to a whisper, "Polo." Though soft and subtle, the whisper resonated throughout the room and crashed into me like a train.

            I parted my lips. They were shaking. Honestly, my vocal chords probably were too, since the whisper that did come out sounded like a vibrating cymbal. "P-po—"

            I didn't even get the chance to utter the last syllable because in that moment I was thrown against the wall with so much force that my body rattled, and I couldn’t help but let a shriek escape my parted lips.

            My feet were not on the floor. I was on my tippy toes, barely even touching the floor. It was A's forearm against my throat that kept me dangling there. I bet if I lifted my feet completely off the ground, A would still have me dangling by my throat effortlessly. And that scared me.

            "How did you get in here?" he hissed.

            Was it really that easy for him to go from teasing me to murdering me? Damn. Bipolar, much?

            "Window," I wheezed.

            He applied more pressure on my throat, causing my eyes to widen. "Did you really think," he spoke, his tone dark and threatening, "that you could eavesdrop, and get away without a scratch on your fragile little body?"

            My hands wrapped themselves around his forearm, trying to pull it away from my throat. I shouldn't have even tried. His arm was a metal bar. "S-stop," I choked. "H-hurting."

            "Good," he growled. Nevertheless, he took his entire arm off of me altogether and stepped back into the shadows, again leaving me blinded, not knowing where he was.

            I took a chance at opening my mouth and speaking. Thankfully, it didn't sound like my vocal chords had been run over fifty-two time by a truck. I sounded normal. "A, I'm sorry?" After the words left my mouth I smacked my forehead. My stupidity was increasing by the minute. Who apologizes to the person who almost strangled you to death, and is likely to attempt to murder you again? Apparently me.

            There was no answer. Maybe he was watching me with the eyes of a hawk from the darkest corner in the room, sharpening his knife, just waiting for the perfect moment to swoop down for the kill. Yikes.

            I tried again. "A, listen. I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just saw two people go in here, and I was curious, so I snuck in."

            This time I got an answer. "Well, Cupcake, you did something incredibly stupid," a sharp metallic sound echoed around the room, "and now you pay the price."

A scream began to rise in my throat. Holy fudge, I was right. He was sharpening his knife. He was going to kill me. I was just about to jump straight out of the window that I came in from, when warm lips touched my ear. "Kidding."

I whirled around, throwing my arms out, hoping to catch him. I only caught air. He was gone again.

"This isn't funny," I grumbled, feeling like I was talking to myself.

"Did you follow me here?"

"No, why—"

"Then you knew I would be here?"

"Well," I began, but then decided differently. I let out a breath. "Not everything is about you."

"Well you certainly seem quite a bit obsessed with me. And, Cupcake, it's starting to get a bit creepy. You might want to tone it down a little."

"Look, I just want my necklace back," I glared at the darkness.

"Oops, too late. It's mine now."

I huffed. "Would you at least tell me why you need it?" I paused. "And who that man was? And why he wants it?"

I waited for a response but received none. Had he gone? I doubted it. "How about . . . if you explain to me what's going on, I'll stop bothering you about the necklace and leave you alone."

"Hm, tempting offer, but I can't accept. Believe it or not, I'm actually growing to enjoy your company."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh. "Please tell me."

"Go home, Violet." My breath caught. That was the first time he had said my actual name. The way it rolled off his tongue gave me shivers. I wanted him to say my name again, and again.

"I can't." My own voice snapped me out of my daze. "I don't know how to get home," I said sheepishly. Huh, I guess I should have thought of that before I hitched a taxi over here.

"Fuck, are you serious?" I flinched.

"It's okay though, I'll figure it out—"

"Get out the way you came. Meet me in the front." And then, he was gone, both the coldness and warmth of his presence, which I didn't even notice were there, following him like two seven-foot bodyguards. 


Yupp, so that's chapter 18

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Next one coming soon!

-Dream :)

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