Chapter 7: Early Morning Excitement

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Ash, Serena, Bonnie, Clemont and Misty were resting at a Pokemon Centre, dreaming about the fun they will have on the cruise. Everyone was still sound asleep except for Clemont who was up preparing breakfast for everyone. Serena is brushing her hair and bursting with excitement for the cruise.

"All done. Now, I think I am going to go grab some water from the kitchen" Serena said quietly to herself. Serena quietly snuck out of her room and tip toed down the hall. Clemont was preparing bacon and eggs for breakfast. Serena silently crept around the corner and spotted Clemont making breakfast so she snuck up behind him.

"Boo" whispered Serena poking Clemont in the back gently.

"Ahh! Serena, it's you" Clemont said startled. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Well, I was too excited to sleep properly and I was thirsty so I was coming for a bottle of water" Serena said heading to the fridge.

"Ok. Is anyone else up?" Clemont asked.

"No. At least I don't think so" Serena said grabbing the bottle of water and closing the fridge door with her hip. Clemont just stared at Serena and she just stared back. Suddenly,

"Ah! Clemont, the bacon is on fire!" Serena whisper shouted. Clemont quickly spun around and poured water into the pan to put it out.

"Phew! That was close. Thanks Serena" Clemont said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't thank me yet. Look your apron is on fire Clemont!" Serena whisper shouted, again. Clemont ran around the kitchen panicking. Serena started chasing Clemont around the kitchen. Then, Clemont stopped and Serena crashed into Clemont, sending them tumbling into the wall. Serena splashed the water onto the fire and put it out.

"Yay" Serena said exhausted.

"Yep" Clemont sighed. At that moment Bonnie walked in and saw Serena and Clemont. They froze. She saw Serena sitting on Clemont, leg either side of him, both looking exhausted and Clemont's glasses sitting on the floor. Bonnie's face grew into an evil grin.

"Bonnie, it's not what it looks like! Honest!" Clemont puffed.

"Yeah! Honest!" panted Serena before fully flopping down onto Clemont. Bonnie zipped around the corner yelling "Serena and Clemont are in the kitchen!"

"I give up" sighed Clemont.

"Agreed" said Serena, still with her head resting on Clemont's chest. Both so exhausted, they fell asleep. From around the corner popped Bonnie, Ash and Misty. They just stared at the two of them, sleeping. They gave each other evil grins. Ash pulled out his phone and took a picture. *CLICK* Suddenly, Clemont opened his eyes to see Ash, Misty and Bonnie standing there smiling. No no no no!! Clemont! Do something!

"It is not what it looks like you guys" Clemont whined. Then Serena yawned and sat up. She jumped out of her skin when she realized that she was sitting on Clemont. She quickly jumped up, helping Clemont up as well.

"We were just..." Serena started before Ash said,

"Don't worry. We understand"

"Well you don't actually. Clemont was cooking breakfast when his apron caught on fire and he started running around like crazy while on fire. So I had to chase him around the kitchen trying to put it out, but we tripped and went tumbling" Serena explained. "Which reminds me" Serena crouched down and picked up Clemont's glasses. She stood up and gently placed them on Clemont's face.

"Thanks" Clemont said smiling. "Oh! I almost forgot! Just let me cook some more breakfast. Go and change and then it will be ready" Clemont told Ash, Misty and Bonnie.

"Ok!" they said in unison. Serena looked at Clemont, who was blushing, and smiled before racing off to her room. Once everyone had changed and eaten breakfast, they made their way out to the main lounge. Serena had just closed her door shut and started walking down the hallway when,

"Hey Serena" Clemont said softly. Serena turned around.

"Yeah" she answered.

"I'm sorry about before. I am really embarrassed" Clemont said blushing a little.

"That's ok. There's no need to be sorry" Serena said smiling and turning to go.

"Why?" asked Clemont. Without looking back she said,

"Because it was a little exercise for the day. And plus, I quite enjoyed it" She said smiling and giving Clemont a wink before hurrying off down the hall to join everyone else. Clemont stood there blushing profusely, before rushing after her. Everyone hopped on the bus as it drove off, heading towards the cruise ship.     

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