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I woke up this morning and saw that this got 25 reads so I'm updating again. Thank you :)

Mae's school day started bright and early. 6:00am, the sun filtered through the curtains and birds harmonised outside until the blare of Mae's alarm sounded. She woke up and strolled to her closet. She fished through the plethora of clothes until she decided on a floral dress, denim jacket and a pair of black heeled boots. After she was dressed and ready, Mae gleefully walked down the staircase and into to kitchen.

Her mother Lindsey and her father Matt were preparing breakfast for the family. Mae was an only child and was glad that she was, no older sibling to pester her and no younger sibling to take care of. Just her and her parents, all to herself. Nevertheless, there were times that she wished she had a sibling to play with. Life was usually quite boring at home since her parents worked a lot so she was usually alone at home.

"Morning darling" Lindsey smiled as she sliced strawberries and blueberries before dropping them into a bowl. "Morning Mum" Mae replied whilst she took her seat at the small white table in the large kitchen. Arrays of food were scattered all over the table and various toppings accompanied them. "To celebrate the new sporting season" Matt added, sitting down with his daughter. They all took their selection of food and tucked in.


"This was amazing. Thanks so much" Mae said, wiping her mouth before putting her plate into the dishwasher. "No problem sweetheart, I'm glad you enjoyed it" her mother said sweetly. Mae's phone pinged, she had received a text:

Zach: I'm outside, hurry up Arthurs

Since the start of preseason, Zach had been giving Mae lifts every day. They had become close during that time due to their long chats about their lives, dreams and aspirations. It was a time of day that they both enjoyed a lot.

"Who is it?" Matt asked, tucking his plate into the washer after he had finished eating. "Zach, he's outside" Mae answered, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. "Have a good day!" Lindsey waved as her daughter walked to the front door. "Bye, love you!" Mae exclaimed before heading out of the door.

Zach's grey Audi gleamed in the beating sun, "Morning Dempsey, the car is almost as beautiful as me" Mae smirked as she opened the car door and stepped in. "Almost" Zach laughed, backing out of the drive and beginning the journey to school. 

The gentle wind caused leaves to swirl and cascade to the ground, creating crunches as pedestrians stepped onto them. Autumn was Mae's favourite time of year: hot chocolates, scented candles, warm colours and the candy-filled festivity.

"So, Halloween. What are you going as for the costume contest?" Zach asked, taking his eyes briefly off the road to look at Mae. Her hair blew softly in the autumn breeze as she looked back at her companion, "I didn't plan to go as anything" she shrugged, earning a huge sigh of disbelief from Zach. "Seriously? We are all dressing up, you'll be the only one not wearing a costume!" He tried desperately to persuade her into dressing up for the majority of the ride.

They pulled up at school and their conversation still hadn't ended, "Come on Mae, don't be a stick in the mud" Zach pouted as the two of them strolled up to the school entrance. "I don't see the point" she protested, walking to her locker and opening it. Zach, persistent as ever, followed her but he wasn't the only one.

Soon Zach, Alex, Justin, Jess, Marcus and Bryce were circled around Mae, attempting to convince her to dress up. "Aww Mae pleaseeeeee" Jess whined, batting her eyes. "Arthurs since when were you a buzzkill?" Bryce asked, slouching against the other lockers. "Maeeeeee you have to" Zach said as the others nodded in agreement. "Fine" she smiled, closing her locker, "I give up" Everyone cheered in the knowing that their whole group would be entered in the contest.


The 31st of October couldn't have come quicker and to Mae's shock, she was ecstatic to get to school. She had decided to keep her costume a secret from everyone but despite her excitement, she was nervous to wear a costume. It was a bit of a risk in case people didn't get it but she was firmly decided on it.

She dressed herself in a short, sleepless black dress with a silver bow around the waist. On her feet, she wore a pair of silver boots and she attached a straight blonde wig over her own brown hair. After placing a pair of mouse ears onto her head, she grabbed her bag and awaited the text from Zach.


15 minutes later, Zach's Audi was outside the Arthurs household. "See ya Mum!" Mae waved goodbye, shutting the door behind her and approaching Zach's car. "What are you?" he put on a girly accent, resembling Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls. "I'm a mouse, duh" Mae did an impression of Karen Smith which made the pair of them laugh. "Brilliant" Zach chuckled as he drove to their school. Mae then began to inspect Zach's t-shirt. "Muf, m-u-f, muf?" she stammered until she realised, "Oooooh, muf divers. You absolute tit" she slapped his arm. "Bryce's idea. Him and Alex are like this too" he added as they pulled up at Liberty High School. "Of course it was Bryce's idea. I'm far from shocked" she laughed, stepping out of the car.

Mae, Zach, Justin and Jess stood together in the corridor beside Zach's locker. "Your costume is actually amazing" Jess complimented Mae, "You suit blonde" Jess giggled. "Ha thanks, I wish I could've matched with someone" Mae pouted, pointing to Justin and Jess' couple costume. "This fucking chain is gay" Justin complained, fiddling with the chain around his neck. "You look really hot" Jess said, moving closer to him. "I look like a punk-rock dog" he continued to whine while Mae and Zach laughed.

Clay Jensen then began to walk through the corridor but he came at a stop right beside the group. "What the fuck are you looking at, Jensen?" Justin asked, suggesting that he was provoked by his presence. However Jessica managed to rescue Clay, "He's looking at our awesome costumes. Clay gets it, right?" She asked the lanky boy. He stood stationary, "Sid Vicious, born John Ritchie, bassist for the Sex Pistols and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen. Nice" he said nonchalantly. "But you do know how the story ends right?" Clay continued. Justin suddenly perked up, "What? How does the story end?" He asked, clearly confused. Jess turned from her boyfriend back to the boy, "Thanks Clay" she sighed to him before he wandered off after Alex Standall.


The school was gathered in the sports hall once again to announce the winner of the costume contest. Courtney, who was dressed as Katy Perry, stood with the finalists. This included Justin and Jessica, Zach, Bryce and Alex and Mae along with a few others. "And the winner is.....JUSTIN AND JESSICA AS SEXY PUNK ROCKERS!" Courtney announced, the students erupting into cheers as the couple made out. Music began to play and people began to dance.

Mae stood with Alex, the bleach blond boy had had become one of her greatest friends ever. He was excellent to share a coffee with and since he was on the tapes, they were in the same boat.

"Feels crap doesn't it? Hannah would've loved this" Mae sighed to Alex as they all danced. At this point, most people were just stood around chatting. "Yeah, when I heard those tapes I felt so guilty. For everything." Alex admitted, swaying to the music. "We were on there for the same reason, we both left her for other people" he continued. "I feel so bad knowing if I had been closer with her, maybe she would still be here today" Mae nodded, pulling Alex into a friendly hug of condolences. "I needed this" Alex laughed after they finished their hug. "Me too" Mae smiled.

"Hey Mae" Zach grabbed her attention from where he was stood with Justin. She manoeuvred through huddles of people to reach the two boys. "Foley, Dempsey" she acknowledged, nodding to the pair of boys. "There's this thing tonight at Bryce's. About the tapes. We need you to come" Zach said, adjusting the goggles that hung around his neck. "Just us three, Marcus, Alex and Bryce" Justin added as he smiled. Mae nodded, "Sounds good. But Bryce doesn't know about the tapes right?" She asked, earning a no from both boys. "Nada" Zach smiled, "See you tonight"

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