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  I take in a deep breathe before knocking on the girls door. She immediately answered, revealing only half of her body, "Oh, it's just you. Come on in," she says. I nod and enter, taking a look around her cute, spacious living room. "What brings you over at mi casa?" She asks as she sits down on her couch. She pats the seat next to her and smiles. I walk over and sit down, rubbing my sweaty palms up and down my thigh. "Well, uh, you see, there's this-" before I could finish, we were both startled by a phone ringing. "Shit," she curses under her breathe as she reaches for her phone. "I'm so sorry, give me one second" she says as she takes her phone and stands up. She escapes into the kitchen where she answers the call. I sit on the couch alone, awkwardly. Hopefully she doesn't think I made the hole intentionally..well, actually, I didn't even know she was my neighbor so why would I? Fuck, she doesn't know that though. What if she thinks I'm some kind of psychotic stalker? I think to myself. God, my thoughts are going crazy.

   "Ugh, I'm so, so, SO sorry! I have to head out for an appointment. Can you come back later and we can talk? Or, here, I'll give you my number," she says as she exits the living room once again before returning with a pad of paper and a pen. She scribbles down her number before ripping the paper out of the notepad and handing it to me. "Uh, uh o-okay" I blink wildly at the piece of paper. Did I really just get this hot girls number THAT fast? Whew, I'm good. "Well, it was nice talking for like two seconds!" She chuckles before walking me over to her front door. She opens it up and waves me out. I walk into the hallway and wave to her before quickly walking back to my apartment.


  The moving trucks arrived and I had almost all my furniture loaded in my house. I didn't have it all in place but, at least I was getting somewhere. I began to arrange my living room when I heard an odd noise come from the hole on the other side of the room. I walk over and kneel down to it. I stick my eye in front of it and squint only to reveal Andy on her couch- MASTURBATING?! My mind began to spin as I watched her hand move inside of her laced panties. With her free hand she pulled her top up revealing her full, round breasts. Her hand continued to graze over them as she flung her head back and moaned. My eyes widened at the sight and I backed away from the hole slowly. What the fuck did I just do? I just invaded her privacy without her even knowing! Oh my god, if she ever found out.. I think to myself. I get up and walk to the front door as I hear her moaning progressively getting louder and louder. I exit my house and walk over to her door. I knock twice before waiting patiently. Before I knew it, I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. The door flung open and immediately Andy's eyes widened "um, hi!" She said, smiling brightly. "Hi! There's something I need to talk to you about," I say. She nods, "come in then, is this what you wanted to talk about earlier?". "Yeah, actually" I say as I walk in. She walks me over to the couch and we both sit. This is where she was mas- "So, what is it?" She asks, interrupting thoughts. I clear my throat before looking up at her, "well, you see, I was examining my apartment earlier and noticed a hole in the wall that kind of leads to your house. If you look through it you can see perfectly into your living room." Fuck, can I sound even more like a stalker? I think to myself as her eyes widened and her cheeks turned into a bright red, "o-oh, well th-" I quickly interrupt, "I can fix it tomorrow, I promise."
She nods quickly, "alright, thanks for telling me." She looked down at her fingers as she began to fumble. She must be thinking about what she was doing earlier. She probably thinks I saw her doing what she was doing earlier- maybe I should say something? "Yeah, right when I walked in earlier after we met in the elevator, I quickly saw it," I say, trying to hopefully relieve her. It worked and her eyes shot up, "oh, so this morning?" She asks. I nod quickly, "I wanted to tell you as quickly as possible but you were called out and when I tried texting you, the moving trucks showed up so I couldn't necessarily text," I say. "Oooh, well then. I totally understand. It's very sweet of you to have told me instead of using it to your advantage and watching me through it," she chuckles. I let out a small, awkward laugh before standing up. "I'll text you tomorrow when I begin to cover it," I say as I approach her door. "Alright, thank you," she walks in front of me and opens the door. I smile and nod at her as I walk out. "Goodbye, Grayson," she beamed as I made my way into the hallway. Chills went down my back once my name slipped from her tongue. The way she said my name was so, I don't even know..


Hi, hope you all are having a fantastic day! (:
Love you

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